Set around 200 years before the events of Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon starring Matt Smith and Emma D’Arcy follows the ancestors of Daenerys Stormborn, the Targaryens. The series is based on the book Fire and Blood by George R. R. Martin.
Similar to Game of Thrones, the new show features many political drama themes such as ambition, betrayal, and violence. The series will also showcase more of the dragons that fans witnessed in the original show.
Matt Smith’s Prince Daemon Targaryen is dangerous
Despite the intention of the showrunners and George R. R. Martin to portray more grey characters, it seems like some characters such as Daemon Targaryen are already pretty evil. Shown to be impulsive and arrogant, such characters only cause chaos in The World of Ice & Fire.
But maybe we’re too quick to judge, considering how Game of Thrones was able to paint characters such as Jaime Lannister and Sandor Clegane in a sympathetic light, we could see House of the Dragon do the same.
Daemon Targaryen would’ve supported Daenerys?
Despite being almost two centuries apart, we can still observe similarities between Daemon Targaryen and Daenerys, played by Emilia Clarke in Game of Thrones. Some similarities include, both of them being denied the throne and portrayed to be impulsive and irascible.
Daemon Targaryen has also been shown to have a little remorse while killing heaps of people, similar to Daenerys. Reacting to the interesting theory, Matt Smith stated his character, Daemon Targaryen would’ve joined Daenerys in burning down King’s landing. He said:
“He would’ve been on the back of the dragon with her … this is ours. Get out the way”
Check out: George R.R. Martin Looking Forward Seeing 17 Dragons In Game of Thrones Prequel
Daenerys had burned down King’s landing in the last season of Game of Thrones, leading to many fans hating the episode as they believed there wasn’t enough build-up.
Source: Twitter