The Incredible Hulk actor Edward Norton is famous for edgy, violent, and satirical films, among films like Fight Club; Norton is also known for American History X. The film revolves around Derek, a criminal who served three years for committing a hate crime, he tries to save his brother from falling into the same pit. Edward Norton plays Derek and Edward Furlong plays his younger brother Danny.
American History X has a complex screenplay that deals with sensitive topics like racism, white supremacy, and systemic oppression. No one could have played the complex, deeply moving character of Derek better than Edward Norton. He has a range of acting abilities through which Norton can be sly, angry, sad, and sadistic in one scene.
Tony Kaye regrets casting Edward Norton
Tony Kaye was approached by New Line to direct American History X, and the director accepted the offer. He also took to the suggestion of casting Edward Norton as the lead, the decision however turned out to be fatal for him and his vision for the film.
“When New Line sent me the script of ‘American History X,’ about the relationship between a neo-Nazi and his impressionable kid brother, it was deeply flawed. I thought I could maneuver around it: invent stuff, improvise, improve what was on the page. That was one of the reasons I went along with the studio’s idea to cast Edward Norton.”
He continues,
“At the time Norton was Hollywood’s golden boy, although I didn’t think he had enough weight or presence. I held some open casting calls but I couldn’t find anyone better than him. And one advantage of having Edward was that we had a shared vision of how to improve the script. In casting him I was buying another writer.”
The director did not believe that Norton was worth casting yet his decision gave him a talented writer. Kaye saw Norton more as a writer and less as the actor and later Norton’s interference in the script turned into a huge problem for everyone.
Edward Norton made Tony Kaye punch a wall
After the first screening of the film, Kaye was happy with the product but apparently the studio and lead actor were not. Norton and New Line Cinema gave him several pages of notes, this made Kaye furious and he blew off. He flared off and was later banned from the editing room, but Norton was allowed and became an active part of it. Kaye wrote,
“Eventually they let me in, and I worked with them on re-edits for a year. At that time, I found a whole new film, one that they never allowed me to finish. At one point, they even let Norton work on the editing. I was so staggered by what he was doing to my film, and by the fact that New Line approved, that I punched the wall and broke my hand.”
Edward Norton developed a reputation soon, people did not want to work with him because he was tough to work with. He has always been an integral part of the filmmaking process, the actor reveals in his defense that he is in love with the art of making films and wants his movies to be great.
The defense is not unreasonable because even Norton consistently delivers fantastic films, which have a certain quality and taste to them. American History X for example made 23.9 million dollars at the Box Office and was praised in abundance by the critics.
American History X can be rented on YouTube.
Source: The Guardian