With a fresh and innovative approach to the shonen genre with his immensely popular series Naruto. The series has gained countless fans around the world due to the relatable themes, amazing characters, a hard but achievable dream, and a gripping storyline. As a result, Masashi Kishimoto’s work has bewitched the fans of the Weeb community because he did not create to story to enjoy but a story that readers could connect with and grow as it continued.
Kishimoto’s work is loved by fans and everyone has their reasons to love the reasons. However, the sentiment of despise towards the Uchiha clan is what unites the fans of the series, as most of them are portrayed as hateful, committing horrible and unforgivable actions in the series. And it looks like Masashi Kishimoto is Team Senju, as he harbors a negative feeling towards the Uchihas.
Masashi Kishimoto Acknowledges His Animosity Towards The Uchihas
Fans’ preferences to have different favorite characters depend on factors like characteristic traits, looks, ideology, and backstory of the character which they can relate to and form an unbreakable connection. As a result, characters like Naruto Uzumaki, Kakashi Hatake, Tsunade Senju, and Jiraiya are immensely popular and they talk about how their favorite character is superior to the other.
However, those fans unite when it comes to hating the Uchiha clan. While some Uchiha characters like Itachi Uchiha, and Shisui Uchiha are loved by the fandom but most of them are hated by the fans. And, they are even hated by Masashi Kishimoto as well.
Recently, the manga artist shared a post on his Twitter handle, which showcased the death of Itama Senju, who was only nine years about to be killed by the Uchiha clan members. While it is true that during the clan wars, every member was taught to kill their enemies but it can never justify that a group of grown-ups are about to kill a young boy to protect their clan.
Masashi Kishimoto’s hate towards the Sharingan Tribe was also evident while writing the dialogues of Tobirama Senju and it can be a result of the past conflicts, and the difference in ideologies in the series he had called the Uchihas as a clan filled with evil. When Tobirama Senju became the Second Hokage of Konoha, he decided to isolate the Uchiha Clan from the rest of the village as he believed them to be a threat, believing that they will misuse their abilities.
Masashi Kishimoto Had No Intention of The Chunin Arc
As per a resurfaced discussion, the creator of Naruto stated that he had no intention of focusing on the series’ division of ranks in any matter. Kishimoto mainly wanted to focus on the ninja teams from the beginning, with each group consisting of three members rather than three. However, the artist was advised by his editor that “there wouldn’t be time for such a slow-paced development.”
Shonen fans commonly prefer a series with fast-paced stories, so the artist had to gather the characters all at once, and different shinobi villages that are, Leaf, Sand, Stone, and Cloud Villages came into existence. And during this process, his editor came up with the Chunin Exam Arc. Although Masashi Kishimoto warned that he will die if he went for the tournament arc, to which his editor replied, “Do it even if it kills you”.
Hence, one of the most important arcs of the entire series was forced to begin. The Arc had several iconic fights such as Rock Lee vs Gaara, Naruto Uzumaki vs Neji Hyuga, Sasuke Uchiha vs Gaara, and many more. But more importantly, it played an important role by showcasing an individual’s skills and abilities, the strategies they will form to come out on top and show their potential in the ninja world.
Naruto can be streamed on Crunchyroll.
Source: Twitter