Renowned for his versatility and captivating performances, British actor Robert Pattinson rose to fame as Edward Cullen in the Twilight film series. However, he has since embraced a diverse array of challenging roles, demonstrating his talent and commitment to his craft. Pattinson’s work consistently garners critical acclaim and resonates with audiences globally.
It appears that Robert Pattinson has picked up some valuable social skills and charm from Irish star Pierce Brosnan while working together on the film Remember Me. Spending time off-set, Pattinson learned how to interact with fans gracefully and smoothly, taking cues from the experienced Brosnan.
Robert Pattinson Learned Good Manners From Pierce Brosnan
In the movie Remember Me, Robert Pattinson and Pierce Brosnan shared the screen and formed a close bond off-camera as well. During their time together, the smooth-as-silk Brosnan imparted valuable advice to Pattinson on interacting gracefully with fans.
“He’s totally recognizable, and he makes no effort to tone it down,” Pattinson told Vogue. “Some people were glancing over at us in the restaurant, and he just went over and introduced himself. And it does work. It dissipates all the attention.”
While Pattinson dreads fan interactions, he humorously admits, “Me? I just crawl under the table.” He finds the all-encompassing nature of fame in the modern era surprising. With social media, “Everybody knows where everybody is.” he adds.
Pierce Brosnan praised Robert Pattinson’s ability to handle fame during their time filming Remember Me in New York. Despite the constant presence of screaming teenage girls, Brosnan humorously acknowledged that the attention wasn’t directed at him.
“I know it’s tough for Robert to cope with that kind of attention. I’ve been there and I sympathise with him,but I think he’s handling it quite well. I think that,so far, he’s got it under control,” Brosnan added.
Robert Pattinson Took A Fresh Approach For His Batman
In a captivating interview with GQ, Robert Pattinson shared his excitement about portraying the iconic role of the Dark Knight, following in the footsteps of numerous esteemed actors. The opportunity allowed him to explore his place within the legacy of this legendary character.
“I was thinking, it’s fun when more and more ground has been covered. Like, where is the gap?… And the puzzle of it becomes quite satisfying, to think: ‘Where’s my opening?’ And then also, it’s a legacy part, right? I like that.”
During the interview, Pattinson further discussed the timeless and thriving legacy of Batman as a character. He acknowledged the excitement and anticipation from the public for his portrayal, which added electrifying energy to the entire experience, making it all the more fascinating for him.
Remember Me is available for streaming on Pluto.
Source: Irish Central