Jackie Chan the legendary actor known for his iconic roles throughout his Hollywood career wants to have some changes now. Following another legendary actor, Chan wants to follow in the footsteps of Clint Eastwood who turned to directing after having the time of his life as a veteran actor.
Talking about having to constantly change for the people, Jackie Chan dropped some legendary names and stated that he would have to constantly evolve over time. Comparing himself to legendary actors such as Robert De Niro, the actor said he wants to be the Asian De Niro.
Jackie Chan Has To Evolve Constantly
Following years of blockbuster hits and hundreds of movies, Jackie Chan has almost done it all. From doing his own stunts to trying his hand at directing, Chan has been famous and is beloved by the world for being the legend that he is.
Being 69 years of age, the actor talked in an interview about what it feels like to have almost done everything. The actor stated that he has to constantly evolve over time and has to try something new every day to stay entertaining. While personally name-dropping Sylvester Stallone, the actor stated that “Stallone’s different” while talking about actions stars that are gone.
“If I’m [to] continue on in the film industry … I have to change. Otherwise, you gone. You see—in Japan. Korea. America. China. Hong Kong. How many action star all gone? Only few can stay. Stallone’s different. He’s a legend. Other action stars already gone.”
The actor further continued that he looks for a different character, a different personality, and a different story every time he agrees to do a film.
“So that’s why I’m looking for different script, different character, different Jackie Chan. I want the audience look at Jackie Chan as an actor. Not the action star. Actor who can fight. Look at Clint Eastwood. If he continue to ‘Make my day’? Gone. So he change to directing. He change some other things. Look at Al Pacino. Robert De Niro. I wanna be an Asian Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino.”
While talking about Clint Eastwood, the actor exclaimed that to try something new, Eastwood turned to direct visionary movies and how it all worked out great for the actor-turned-director in the end.
Jackie Chan Tries A New Movie With John Cena
In recent news, Jackie Chan did try something new by starring in a movie with John Cena. Following the story of two ex-special forces escorting a group of civilians along the “Highway of Death” in Baghdad.
The Rush Hour actor starred alongside John Cena in the thriller/mystery and the trailer does look quite explosive. With a release date of 6th July 2023, the movie, titled Hidden Strike will be released worldwide in theaters.
Source: Slash Film