In late September, the streaming platform HBO Max announced that a spin-off series of James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad named Peacemaker will be produced by the director. Starring John Cena as the titular Peacemaker from The Suicide Squad, the show is set to have eight episodes for its first season. James Gunn is also confirmed to write all the episodes and direct a few of them. Interestingly, rumors of Green Arrow appearing in the show has been making the rounds lately.
Related: 10 Facts About John Cena’s Peacemaker: Suicide Squad’s “Douchey Captain America”
Recently, a British media site had published that a new iteration of the Emerald Archer is set to appear in the upcoming Peacemaker series. As Stephen Amell’s Arrow on the CW Network concluded earlier this year, the rumor of a new Green Arrow for the DC Extended Universe started circulating. However, when asked about the veracity of the report, James Gunn promptly shut it down.
“It’s nonsense”, Gunn affirmed when a fan presented the rumor to him on Twitter.
In a two-part tweet, James Gunn further clarified that Green Arrow used to be his favorite character when he was a child. Nonetheless, the Guardians of the Galaxy director has made it clear that there are no future plans of introducing a new Green Arrow, or the existing Stephen Amell version of the Emerald Archer in his Peacemaker show.
Related: James Gunn: Peacemaker To Feature Other The Suicide Squad Characters
Peacemaker will follow the story of the titular character, “a man who believes in peace at any cost — no matter how many people he has to kill to get it, according to the official synopsis. With John Cena reprising his role from The Suicide Squad, the show is confirmed to be an action-comedy series with the actor also serving as an executive producer.
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According to James Gunn, Peacemaker will be a modern take on the character through which he will address some of the present-day issues from the character’s perspective.
“Peacemaker is an opportunity to delve into current world issues through the lens of this superhero/supervillain/and the world’s biggest douchebag. I’m excited to expand The Suicide Squad and bring this character from the DC film universe to the full breadth of a series.”
Peacemaker is scheduled to enter production in early 2021 and will be released in August exclusively on HBO Max.