Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool might be the most at-home persona the actor has brought to the big screen in his entire career. Known for his comedic timing and immaculate humor, Ryan Reynolds packs a punch hard enough to cause side stitches with his witty banter. With him helming the role of Mr. Pool for the third time, Marvel screenwriters are keeping the plot largely under wrap.
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The actor had led the campaign to bring Deadpool on the screens for a long decade before a section of the script was “mysteriously” leaked to the public causing widespread demands to bring the role alive. With none better suited than the Canadian-American actor himself, Reynolds was quickly cast as the lead and the rest, as they say, is history.
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Deadpool 3: Updates on the Casting of Wolverine
The actor had first appeared as the merc-with-the-mouth in the 2009 movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine alongside the veteran Foxverse actor, Hugh Jackman. The latter’s role, although criticized during the time of casting, was later hailed as unparalleled, and ended with fans demanding en masse to reprise his role as the clawed mutant in future Foxverse movies.
Although absent for 5 years now, Jackman’s magnum opus remains his role as Wolverine in Logan and the preceding X-Men movies. There is a high likelihood that the Aussie actor has bid adieu to the superhero role for good. However, Reynolds’ friendship with Jackman and Marvel’s reputation for unexpected cameos might feature the duo for the first time together in an MCU movie 13 years after X-Men Origins.
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In a response to whether Wolverine will be appearing in Deadpool 3, screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have replied, in a signature Deadpool-recognized humor:
“It’s gotta be someone shorter this time… So maybe a Zack Galifianakis or Patton Oswalt, someone like that… I don’t know. Look, we don’t have any inside information on that. Even if we did, we couldn’t share it, but we don’t.
I would honestly go more… an undiscovered person, because Hugh Jackman was reasonably undiscovered the first time and I think there was initial bucking [of], ‘Oh, he’s too tall,’ or, ‘He doesn’t look right,’ or, ‘What is this Australian thing?’ I think that if they’re playing their cards right, they probably should make it someone we’ve never seen.”
Also read: X-Men Crossover Art Shows Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine Meets Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman Collaboration
It is no secret that Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman share a faux feud that has entertained the fans for years. Their Twitter banter quickly escalated to crashing each other’s party, stealing the moment, laughing at the expense of the other (and themselves), and calling a temporary “truce” while shooting an ad for their respective gin and java companies.
Also read: The Unkillable: Deadpool vs. Wolverine: Whose Healing Factor’s The Strongest?
The feud also takes the form of their Marvel characters when Deadpool not so subtly mentions in his first movie as the anti-hero who he had to grovel with to get his very own movie — “I can’t tell you but it does rhyme with Polverine” followed by a dialogue in Jackman’s Australian accent. The rest of the colorful language of Reynolds’ character takes away the cake as does his ability to destroy the cinematic fourth wall.
If the duo does decide to collaborate on the new movie, it will certainly be the talk of the town and worth a revisit after the second movie’s surprising failure.
Source: The Post-Credit Problem Podcast