Dragon Ball is one of the most popular anime franchises ever created by Mangaka Akira Toriyama. It still remains as the epitome of shōnen. The story of Dragon Ball traces the journey of Goku in his pursuit of greatness and power. Saiyans have become quite an essential part of the series, with Goku and Vegeta being two prominent figures. While Goku is the main character, he is constantly showered with the spotlight; there are some aspects where the Saiyan Prince exceeds him.
1. He Channels His Rage And Becomes Ultra Ego
Vegeta utilizes his rage as a weapon in his fights. All Super Saiyans are known to have extreme rage existing within them. Goku doesn’t like losing himself to his aggressive side. However, Vegeta has learned to channel his rage into a new form, Ultra Ego. It’s basically a more raw and aggressive version of Goku’s Ultra Instinct. While Goku believes his rage is a liability for him, Vegeta has learned to use it for his own advantage.
Also Read: 5 Insanely Powerful Dragon Ball Z Characters Who Put a Beating on Vegeta and Destroyed Him Easily
2. He Respects His Wife And Her Wishes
Compared to other shōnen characters, Goku and Vegeta are leading a pretty unconventional life. Both of these fighters, being married, have children as well. Goku believes his training is far more critical than Chi Chi’s wishes and often keeps her in the dark. On the other hand, Vegeta loves Bulma a lot and always listens to her wishes. He refused to leave her side when she was pregnant with his second child. He also respects her since he didn’t let Beerus insult her.
3. He Executes His Enemies And Doesn’t Give Them A Second Chance
Goku has something for presenting his enemies with second chances. After watching the series, it’s clear that the protagonist does have some luck in leading his foes down the road of redemption. Goku only kills his enemy if there’s no other option. This has resulted in unnecessary trouble for the main character several times. However, things are different with Vegeta. He’ll make sure to finish off his enemies, and he also steps in and helps others finish their enemies if they’re reluctant to do so.
4. With More Intense Gravity Training, He Pushes Himself Further
Dragon Ball series is known to feature characters so strong that they are capable of annihilating entire planets. However, they still seem to be seeking greater power. In the series, after reaching a certain power level, training becomes challenging for the characters. Intense Gravity Training has proved to be extremely useful in those cases. Vegeta regularly does Gravity Training on Earth, which makes him withstand at least 400 times the Earth’s gravity!
5. Carrying On Saiyan Customs And Honoring His People
It was revealed in Dragon Ball Z that the protagonist of the series, Goku, is actually a Saiyan. Goku is relatively ignorant of the customs and cultures of his own race. Goku doesn’t remember much from his planet, so he is far from the memories, let alone the customs. Being the Prince of Saiyans, Vegeta tries his best to keep the ideologies and customs of his culture alive.
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