Ghost Rider is one of the many Marvel characters that fans want to see in the MCU. While the character has been adapted before, the response has been more or less vague. Fans are right now speculating that he will come to the MCU if and when they introduce the Midnight Sons. Until then, let’s look at some of the unknown facts about the demonic hellfire chain that we didn’t know yet. Check it out!
1. More Than One Hellfire Chain
Some might compare the Hellfire Chain with Mjolnir as the infamous hammer that has been wielded by a few people over the years. Some of them are Jane Foster, Beta Ray Bill, Odin, and of course, Thor. But one does not need to be worthy to take control of the Hellfire Chain. For example, the chain that Robbie Reyes uses is different from Danny Ketch’s. Moreover, both of them are different from the one Johnny Blaze has.
2. The Very Meaning Of Hellfire
As the name has it, it’s about the fire. However, it’s known to be freezing and scorching at the same time. Hellfire, also called Soulfire, can burn underwater and even in the vacuum of space. The Ghost Rider can channel this fire from his body in any way he chooses. Moreover, they have emitted fire from their hands, mouths, and eyes to eliminate their enemies. This is their biggest weapon and precisely their trademark as well.
3. Physically Linked To Ghost Rider
Unlike Thor with his hammer and Silver Surfer with his board, Ghost Rider is linked to the Hellfire Chain. This means they don’t even have to physically move the chain. They can just be ordering the chain what to do and it will do it. This somewhat sounds similar to the powers of a Green Lantern, which means that the powers of the Hellfire Chain are limited to the user’s imagination.
4. Infinite Length
No one knows just how long the Hellfire Chain can get. In many instances, the Ghost Rider has extended its length according to the need and it is known that it can extend similar to Spidey’s web. However, we don’t know the exact length to date. All they have to do is order the chain to get longer and it will keep getting longer.
5. The Cosmic Ghost Rider Has An Unbreakable Hellfire Chain
In 2018’s Thanos #16, we learnt that there’s a variant of the said character, Frank Castle (the Punisher), who is the sole surviving hero on Earth after a battle with Thanos. First, he trades his soul for the powers of the Ghost Rider, then convinces Galactus to give him the Power Cosmic. But there’s a major catch. In the issue, Castle manages to wrap the Chain around Thanos’ body and tells him that it is made out of the bones of the mystic god, Cyttorak!