Dwayne Johnson, known worldwide as The Rock, has undoubtedly made an indelible impact on the world of professional wrestling. His ascent from a promising athlete to a full-fledged Hollywood star has been nothing less than extraordinary. However, previously, the 51-year-old offered insights into the origins of his name, unveiling his initial disliking of inheriting his family’s wrestling name and now how he owns the rights to his stage name.
Dwayne Expressed Dissatisfaction With His Initial Wrestling Name Selection
Dwayne Johnson, internationally renowned as the captivating wrestling icon known as The Rock, previously shared insights into the early stages of his career, shedding light on a significant aspect of his journey.
The artist first gained widespread recognition within the world of WWE, captivating audiences as The Rock and solidifying his status as one of the most legendary and widely discussed wrestlers of all time.
However, when Johnson first joined the WWE (then the WWF) in 1996, he went by the ring name Rocky Maivia, which Vince McMahon had chosen to honor both his father. In a previous interview, the actor disclosed the origin of his name The Rock,
“The birth story of The Rock is before I did what I do now, many moons ago, I used to throw around 300-pound men for a living and get my a*s kicked. And then my original nickname was Rocky Miavia which was a combination of my dad’s first name and grandfather’s last name because both of them were pro wrestlers.”
Further, Johnson also revealed why he hated his initial name as he expressed a desire for his own identity, which eventually led to a pivotal change.
Moreover, the retired professional wrestler revealed an intriguing detail about how he obtained the rights to his stage name.
How The Rock Acquired The Rights To His Stage Name?
The Rock, praised as one of the all-time greatest WWE Superstars, not only embraced his iconic stage name but also made strategic moves to secure its rights.
As he transitioned to Hollywood and other mainstream ventures, The Rock’s name became synonymous with credibility and success.
However, questions arose about the ownership of The Rock’s name. Did McMahon and WWE maintain ownership, or did Johnson himself own the rights to his ring name?
In a revealing interview in the past, Johnson disclosed that he owned the rights to his name. He recounted how he had a conversation with McMahon, explaining his aspirations beyond wrestling, and ultimately convinced McMahon to grant him ownership. He said,
“I own it, I do, yeah. It was an easy conversation. This is how it went down: I went to him [Vince McMahon], I talked to him and he knew what I wanted to do after wrestling because I’d been able to accomplish a lot. Which has always been great for me… I know he doesn’t [give away anything for free].”
Today, The Rock’s name not only represents electrifying performances in the wrestling ring but also signifies his achievements in the world of Hollywood and beyond.
Source: YouTube