10 Times Game Of Thrones Characters Went Way too Far

Game of Thrones has many shocking moments with lots of destruction and suffering. It is also famous for killing and destroying its lead characters ruthlessly. Below are some instances from Game of Thrones where characters went too far.

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1. “Daenerys Targaryen’s Madness”, in Season 8, Daenerys goes through some major aggression. She was shaking when she learned about Jon Snow’s true heritage and that he is also related to her. Everything went downhill when she lost her most trusted friends Missandei and Jorah, because of the White Walkers and Cersei via the Mountain.

2. “The Red Wedding” scene is still one of the most dreadful scenes in television history. Walter Frey and the Boltons cheated Robb Stark and his army by killing everyone at the wedding of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey. The betrayal was very shocking for everyone.

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3. In the finale episode of season 6, Cersei takes the opportunity to plot a wildfire and destroy everything in the neighborhood at the gathering of the Sept of Baelor, where all of her enemies were present. The wildfire destroyed Margaery, High Sparrow, Mace and Loras Tyrell, her uncle Kevan Lannister and many others.

4. Another Game of Thrones characters who went too far is Ramsay Bolton. He is one of the terrible villains in the series. He even abused his wife Sansa Stark when they were married. The end of such an evil character was satisfying for many in the audience.

5. Arya Stark utilized her assassination powers and face-changing skills to take revenge on those who wronged her family. She started her revenge from Frey House by poisoning Walder Frey’s sons.

6. Lady Melisandre made some terrible decisions in the entire series. But the worst of all was when she argued that burning Stannis Baratheon’s daughter was necessary to conquer the North. Young Shireen’s screams were so scary that they left the audience in shock.

7. Prince Oberyn Martell’s death was shocking for many reasons. The way it all happened was devastating. Killing someone by crushing their skull was way too brutal. Viewers were so uncomfortable after watching the scene.

8. Theon Greyjoy had a tricky character. He served Starks but betrayed them. His journey was more of a rollercoaster ride. Ramsay pretended to be Theon’s friend so that he could trust him and turned Theon into his slave.

9. In the series, Ned Stark’s death was very sudden. Joffrey became corrupted after becoming the King and misused his powers. After ordering Sir IIyn Payne to behead the most beloved leader of the Stark family, Joffrey became the show’s most hated character.

10. Cersei and Jamie had a scandalous love affair which was a major plot twist in the series. When Bran Stark was climbing the walls around Winterfell, he saw Cersei and Jamie together. Jamie Lannister committed a brutal crime in the name of love. He pushed a young, innocent child out of the window. He intended to kill him so that their love affair remained hidden. Though, he got paralyzed instead of dying.


Written by FandomWire Staff

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