Gal Gadot, known for her role as Wonder Woman, is set to shift gears from superhero to super spy in her upcoming action movie Heart of Stone. Scheduled for release on August 11 on Netflix, Gadot takes on the character of an intelligence operative tasked with a critical mission to thwart a perilous hacker.
Before the SAG-AFTRA strike, Gal Gadot engaged in a discussion with Extra’s Melvin Robert regarding her film Heart of Stone and its focus on empowering female characters and daring stunts. The actress expressed the commitment they had while filming, refusing to settle until they achieved the required shots. The movie demanded intense physicality, and they fully embraced the challenge.
Gal Gadot On Teaming Up With Tom Cruise
In preparation for the action-packed stunts, Gal Gadot shared that she dedicated months to intense workouts and mastering various stunt choreographies. Fortunately, she had the privilege of working with an exceptional stunt team, who she had grown close to during previous film projects. This supportive team made her feel safe throughout the process, eradicating any concerns about the potential dangers involved in the stunts.
Gadot said, it was “months of doing workouts and learning the different stunt choreographies and different things that we need to learn from different stunt stuff. I’m lucky to be surrounded by an incredible stunt team that I’ve gotten to work with on previous films that became like a second family to me. So, I never had a moment where I was like, ‘This is too dangerous for me.’ I knew that they were keeping me safe all the time.”
With her daring stunts in Heart of Stone, Gal seems to be rivaling adrenaline junkie Tom Cruise. This leads to the question of whether we might witness a collaboration between the two action superstars in the future.
“Tom Cruise is the master in this genre, and I think he’s a unicorn in that way. There’s only one Tom Cruise,” said Gadot. “I adore Tom. When I just started acting, I had a scene or a couple of scenes with him in a movie, ‘Knight and Day.’ I would love to do something with Tom.”
Gadot expressed her desire to work alongside Cruise again, stating that she would love the opportunity to do something together in the future.
Gal Gadot Turns Producer For The Film
Apart from her leading role in Heart of Stone, Gal Gadot took on the role of a producer for the movie as well. Reflecting on the experience, she described it as an empowering and captivating creative journey, from the initial concept to the various decisions made during production.
“It was an empowering, interesting, fascinating creative process, from the moment the idea was conceived through all the different decision-makings that were taken throughout the way, to sitting here and speaking to you about the movie,” said the actress. “I’m so happy about everything. It’s been an incredible journey.”
Juggling responsibilities both in front of and behind the camera, Gadot expressed her happiness with the entire process, stating that it has been an incredible journey.
Heart of Stone will release on Netflix on August 11.
Also read: “Perfectly fine when Hugh Jackman does it”: Gal Gadot’s Jump from Snyderverse to DCU Divides DC Fans
Source: Extra TV