The Fast and the Furious franchise, known for its heart-pounding action and breathtaking stunts, has once again amazed viewers and participants. Fast X, the tenth film in the franchise, has reached new heights in spectacle by booking the legendary Roman Colosseum for its premiere.
Actor John Cena spoke with Happy Sad Confused Podcast’s Josh Horowitz, expressed how awestruck he was by the spectacle, and praised the franchise’s boldness.
John Cena Talks About His Surreal Experience
The Roman Colosseum was a bold and ambitious choice for the premiere of Fast X, and it perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the series. The historical and architectural splendor of the Roman Colosseum made for a breathtaking setting for the premiere. In the interview, the actor revealed that the franchise’s creators “are not afraid to throw some money at stuff.”
“It makes them all look real. Like as you saw in the trailer, fast does not do anything small, and they are not afraid to throw some money at stuff.”
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Fast and Furious wanted to do something different from the standard premiere by ditching the red carpet and branded backdrops. The first 25 actors could use the Colosseum as a backdrop against its unbranded splendor because the venue was rented. Attendees and fans were astounded by the magnitude of this choice.
“You put your branding in the back. You have a red carpet out there and it could be anywhere. And then you show everybody the movie. And then there’s Fast, who rents the Roman Coliseum and doesn’t put any branding, just brings the first 25 people in the cast. So 25 of the main performers show up, and then the backdrop is the Roman Coliseum and you’re just supposed to know what’s up because it’s fast, it’s so surreal, it makes anything else look attainable.”
Even John Cena, who made his way into the Fast and Furious universe in an earlier installment, had to admit that the spectacle was impressive. Cena said it was a surreal and mind-blowing experience afterward.
“It’s fast as in its own universe, and by watching the movie, like, the special effects are surreal. The stunts they pull off are surreal.”
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He praised the franchise for always setting the bar higher and delivering more than was expected. Compared to other premieres, Fast and Furious seizes the opportunity to make memories that will stick with the audience forever.
Fast X Stays True To Its Theme
The pro-wrestler was also impressed not only by the premiere’s spectacle but also by the film itself. He gushed over Fast X’s spectacular visual effects and action sequences. This film continues the franchise’s tradition of producing exceptional cinematic spectacle.
Despite expanding the visual scope, the film stays true to its central family theme, shared by Vin Diesel’s Dom Toretto, the series’ protagonist. Cena’s transition from wrestling to acting has been remarkable, and the skills he honed during his time in WWE have helped him immensely on the big screen.
Even though the film’s controlled environment necessitates a different approach, John Cena’s drive to connect with audiences hasn’t changed. A special place in his heart goes to the adrenaline rush he gets from performing in front of a live audience, which he emphasized.
Fans of the Fast and Furious films can’t get enough of the series’ excessive action and explosions. The franchise has repeatedly shown that it is not afraid to break new ground in its pursuit of fan entertainment by renting the Roman Colosseum for its premiere and delivering adrenaline-fueled action on the big screen.
Fast X is now available to watch in theatres.
Source: YouTube
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