Making his debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with his brief cameo in Thor (2011), Jeremy Renner became the franchise’s OG Hawkeye. However, despite donning decades of working experience with Marvel Studios, the actor previously expressed his desire to quit the $29.5B franchise, due to changes in priorities and disagreements with MCU.
The veteran Avengers actor has been quite consistent with his appearance as Hawkeye in MCU. Collaborating with Marvel Studios for years, Jeremy Renner mentioned how he faced a major disagreement with the entertainment company. Challenging MCU to recast Hawkeye, Renner mentioned delivering a pretty serious ultimatum to the Studios.
Jeremy Renner Had An Intense Negotiation With MCU
After joining MCU in 2011, Jeremy Renner was only a few years in the franchise when he had a daughter with the Canadian actress Sonni Pacheco, in 2013. After becoming a father, Renners’ priorities changed as he wished to spend more time with his baby girl.
However, due to his shooting schedule and change in location, the actor had to fly from London to Los Angeles for more than a year, to see his daughter. Failing to spend quality time with his daughter, Ava, Jeremy Renner decided to gather his courage and negotiate with Marvel Studios.
Despite having the fear of getting fired, in the back of his mind, the Oscar-nominated actor mentioned, trying to discuss schedule and time off with the studio. Having a daughter simply changed his priorities and thus made Renner engage in an intense negotiation with Marvel.
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Jeremy Renner Challenged MCU To Recast Hawkeye
Willing to spend more time with his child, which was becoming difficult due to his commute from London to LA, Jeremy Renner decided to discuss his issues with Marvel Studios. Thus, gathering his courage, the actor mentioned going to the negotiating table with Marvel and even challenging them to recast him. Having a daughter seems to have converted Renner into a real-life gutsy superhero.
“It taught me how to have the nuts to say, ‘Everyone, f*ck off. It’s my time with my daughter.’” Jeremy Renner claimed.
Although he was warned by a few of his acquaintances that the negotiation might end up badly, as Marvel Studios might fire him, Renner didn’t care. Without holding himself back, the actor recalled, “I said, ‘Fine, recast me. I’m going to be here with my daughter.’ It was pretty gnarly.”
Irrespective of the negotiation initially being pretty intense, it, fortunately, turned out to be just fine on both ends. Marvel Studios ultimately was willing to oblige, when it came to such genuine requests. Therefore, instead of firing Jeremy Renner, the franchise negotiated and signed him as the OG Hawkeye for back-to-back MCU movies.
Source: Men’s Health