Euphoria, Zendaya‘s teenage drama show, has a new fan in pop singer Britney Spears. The Baby One More Time singer posted a tiny snippet from one of Euphoria’s scenes on her Instagram account, claiming that the show’s “crazy plots” keep her engaged and that the show is actually a healing medium. She compared it to meditation, claiming that it relieved all of her anxieties. This series, which has been renewed for a third season, follows East Highland pupils as they navigate self-identification, trauma, substances, self-harm friendships, and other issues.
Britney’s Instagram Post:
Writing on Instagram on Saturday, 26 March, Spears said, “For MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK a little while ago I watched this insane amazing show @euphoria … Good God it’s too good !!!!”. She also wrote, “I’m a little behind anyways !!!! Watching this and being entertained by these crazy plots I suddenly felt all my anxiety go away … the show was like meditation !!!!”. The post continued: “It put a HUGE grin on my face … and if you want to be zen … there’s sound therapy … stillness … yoga … monk retreats … but last but definitely not least, train your thoughts to think things that make you SMILE … YES you know THOSE !!!! YOU GOT IT ???? KEEP SMILING.”
Her Own Experience With Mental Health Issues:
Fans praised Britney’s choices in television shows, saying things such, as “Britney being a Euphoria fan… ok, MIND BLOWING,” and “we love a queen with taste,” among several other things. Britney’s psychological state has been in the spotlight since her dramatic collapse in 2007 and 2008. Following this, she was confined under a conservatorship for 13 years before it was revoked last September. The singer kept some of her rages for her father, Jamie Spears, who she said would scold her for being ‘fat’ while running her conservatorship. She also recalled that in her terrible days, she feared her psychiatric meds would render her ‘brain dead.’
Related: The Cast and Background Actors of Season 2 of ‘Euphoria’ Voice Against Sam Levinson’s ‘Toxic’ Production
Several insiders informed The Daily Beast that the shooting of Season 2 was unpleasant, with some even calling the workplace environment toxic. Workdays would sometimes go up to 18 hours, and SAG-AFTRA received multiple complaints. Sources claim that following several complaints from background artists about labor conditions, a union official was dispatched to the set to ensure that contract procedures were followed. Despite the show’s power to build its starring characters into stars, and staff members earning other high-profile jobs, several stated they would reject an offer to return to Euphoria next season unless big improvements were made.