Around 500,000 years ago, due to a failed experiment by one of the Eternals, Kronos, other Eternals were completely wiped off from their existence. But, after being reborn, they realized that Kronos’ failed experiment actually had increased their powers and gave them new abilities. One such ability was Uni-Mind; it’s a powerful entity formed when Eternals join their will and intelligence. A fearsome version of the Uni-Mind was imagined in the comic Avengers #371 when the Deviant Ghaur wears the Uni-Mind as a sort-of helmet-like device, granting him specific powerset to use in battles. These powers are enormous, and today, we have brought you five reasons as to why Ghaur should not be taken lightly.
5. Ghaur gets the ability to fly using Uni-Mind
Among other abilities Ghaur is able to draw from the Eternals, he can use the ability to fly from the powerset of Ikaris. Ghaur makes himself a primary villain using this ability, thus granting a Deviant the power of an Eternal. Him using Uni-Mind to levitate could prove to be a problem for the Eternals when they go toe-to-toe with him in future movies.
4. Ghaur has superhuman strength because of the Uni-Mind
Superhuman strength is another strength he has recalled from another Eternal, Thanos. Ghaur’s superhuman strength lets him fend off attackers quite easily while also simultaneously wielding Captain America’s shield. Unfortunately, his superhuman strength is immense and more troublesome than his other superpowers. His introduction to MCU with the Uni-Mind could be a nuisance for our heroes.
3. Ghaur can use Pyrokinesis
Pyrokinesis is the name used for the ability to manipulate fire to the user’s liking, and in the comics, Ghaur uses this ability effortlessly. Readers wonder where he got this power from, maybe from Human Torch? But, even this power makes him so much more terrifying as he can obliterate anyone by using fire according to his will.
2. Ghaur can Teleport and manipulate the ground using Uni-Mind
It’s over for the opposing team if the being they’re fighting can manipulate the ground and crack it open at will. Ghaur can do that and teleport simultaneously, taking himself to safety while the ground opens and swallows our heroes whole. He did this once with the Avengers in the comics.
1. Ghaur can shoot lasers from eyes
Another power Ghaur draws from Ikaris. Having the ability to fire laser beams from eyes is the ability only given to the beings significantly higher on the power spectrum- like Superman, Ikaris, Homelander, and Darkseid. Ghaur can melt his opponents with this thing, and it arguably is his most terrifying ability yet. It’d be fun to see how the creators of the next Eternals movie incorporate it in his fighting style.
These powers make the use of Uni-Mind in the wrong hands extremely troublesome and terrifying for our heroes. Wonder what’s going to happen in the MCU now!
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