In terms of superhero series, The Boys is the most dominating television series. The series has been immensely loved by the fans as it is based on a unique concept where superheroes are like celebrities, but they are immensely powerful and can do whatever they want. A group of vigilantes called “The Boys” try to take down these so-called superheroes, who use their power for personal gains.
The series has been immensely loved by the audience and it has been appreciated for its sharp writing, strong plot, round characters, its depiction of modern society, dark humor, and gory action scenes. It was expected that the fourth season would be the finale of The Boys, but Eric Kripke, the creator of the show confirmed that the show will continue after the fourth season.
How did the Fans react to the Announcement?
Eric Kripke went to Twitter to announce that the fourth season of The Boys will not be the last, as the fans have been demanding more of The Boys. Therefore he has decided that this will not be the last season, and possibly hinted at a few more seasons. Here’s the tweet by Eric Kripke:
Upon hearing that the fourth season will not be the finale, the fans of the show were elated and they expressed their happiness on Twitter.
A fan described their feelings with a gif.
Another fan was happy that the fourth season was not the end of the series.
A fan expressed their concern and questioned if the series will not end up like Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead.
Another fan was on cloud nine when they saw the announcement.
It will be interesting to see when how long the fans have to wait for the fifth season of The Boys because Erick Kripke has stated that the upcoming season will release “in our discernible reality.”
What do we know about the 4th Season of The Boys?
The fourth season finale episode is titled “Assassination Run” and it will be directed by Eric Kripke, who will be returning to direct the fourth season of the show. He revealed that the episodes have been written by Jessica Chou and David Reed. Eric Kripke did not give any more information about the upcoming season of the show, and fans are going nuts over whose assassination would be shown in the upcoming season.
The release date of season 4 isn’t disclosed, but fans can watch the first 3 seasons of The Boys on Amazon Prime.
Source: Twitter