Black Adam had premiered at an inconvenient time with the movie finding barely more than 2 weeks to shine at the theatres before being overrun by Marvel enthusiasts queueing up in front of the screens to watch Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. However, the film, even in that short while, has proven a definite box office-worthy production with Dwayne Johnson making the audience’s time worthwhile by bringing in several top-notch ideas and characters to the screens.
Also read: Black Adam Turns Out to Be Box Office Disaster: Experts Predict Film Could Lose $50-100 Million
Even though the film in itself may not have done well in retrospect, Black Adam did provide the segue for DC to transition from the landscape of Kahndaq to the rest of the DC Universe Bible.
Dwayne Johnson Stays Optimistic As Black Adam Sinks
The Rock‘s unparalleled efforts to bring the vision of Black Adam to the theatres for a decade and a half have finally proven worthwhile. Perhaps the story would have taken off 15 years ago to unprecedented critical acclaim and audience appreciation but neither the cinematography of the time nor the relatively unpopular status of the CBM industry back then would contribute to bringing the full scope of the DC character in all its sheer strength. But even in the current context, not much can be claimed to have changed toward the reception of Black Adam.
As Black Adam keeps sinking in the quicksand of box office losses, Dwayne Johnson’s constant outlook toward the silver lining of the entire situation has been somewhat of a sorry sight. In the latest news, the Rampage actor has taken to Twitter to express his less than joyous occasion of his film’s most recent profit margins. Even though the numbers do nothing to help justify the failing case, they do solidify DCU’s need to keep moving ahead with strategic precision and a clear-sighted vision for the coming future.
Dwayne Johnson Announces Black Adam‘s Profit Margins
The late October DCU film has been one of the many that have been encouraging moviegoers into going back to the theatres after a brutal direct-to-streaming era. But Black Adam did not have the effect that its contemporaries demonstrated. For starters, its projected earnings in profit show a margin of $52 to 72 million dollars which is brutally low considering how the movie showed potential in the beginning.
Dwayne Johnson’s recent tweets are indicative of his growing wariness about his dream project sinking this early into its premiere as the film enters streaming platforms during the holiday season in the hopes of making some more profit before it recedes to the bottom of the audience watchlist.
On November 21st, exactly one month after Black Adam‘s theatrical premiere, The Rock announced his strategy to move the film into streamers for the Thanksgiving holidays. As the first week of December now comes to a close, his discussion with financiers suggested less than $75 million in profit and closing in on $384.82 million in its worldwide collection.
Black Adam is now available for buying and renting on Apple TV, YouTube, and Prime Video.
Source: Twitter | The Rock