Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, the latest installment in the successful Transformers franchise, is now running worldwide in theaters. Inspired by the Beast Wars storyline, the film is a standalone sequel to 2018’s Bumblebee and a prequel to 2007’s Transformers.
Directed by Steven Caple Jr, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts stars Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback with the high profile voice talents of A-list stars like Peter Dinklage, Ron Pearlman and Oscar winner Michelle Yeoh among others. Apart form the expected hype, the film has thrown up many burning questions for the viewers including an end-credits scene that lays the foundation for a possible exciting crossover with another famous franchise.
Spoilers Ahead
Is Dwayne Johnson Staking His Claim To Enter The Transformers Franchise?
What is the connection between Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, Dwayne Johnson and G.I Joe 2? Just a few days after the release of the film, social media is abuzz with the revelation of Dwayne Johnson’s character Roadblock in G.I Joe 2 making a cameo appearance at the end of the film. This has created a lot of talking points about the future of the Transformers franchise especially after Caple Jr. revealed that he was reportedly working on a sequel to Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.
With Dwayne Johnson’s appearance, there could be infinite possibilities with regard to both films. Does the ending indicate a definite crossover in narratives between characters of both franchises? There is also scrutiny about The Rock’s involvement in the Transformers films. Certain reports speculate that his cameo appearance in the 7th installment could also be viewed as a foothold for the actor to become an integral part of the Transformers saga in an effort to take over from Mark Wahlberg and resurrect his career after the failure of Black Adam. While none of these speculations have been officially confirmed, time will tell if Johnson and director Steven Caple Jr. bring this to fruition or not.
Steven Caple Jr In Talks For A Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Sequel
Following the worldwide release of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, director Steven Caple Jr has revealed that he is in talks for a sequel to the movie. According to the director, the narrative will involve an expansion of the arc between the characters played by Anthony Ramos and Michael Kelly including a development of an exciting cliffhanger scene in the current film.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts also succeeded in opening its doors to a diverse cultural audience with 30% Black and 28% Latino and Hispanic moviegoers viewing the film on the big screen according to reports coming in. Caple Jr. however did not comment on the G.I Joe crossover and the possibility of Dwayne Johnson being involved in a more permanent capacity for the sequel.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is currently running in theaters worldwide.
Source: Twitter