The animated feature Strange World is coming to Disney+ this Christmas season. The film only premiered on Thanksgiving, but it seems the studio has already planned its early debut on the streaming platform. Though the reason for this is quite obvious, the movie was indeed a disaster at the box office.
It only grossed $30.4M in the domestic box and earned a worldwide profit of $50.4M, a major loss for Walt Disney Animation Studios.
RELATED: Disney’s ‘Strange World’ TANKS at the Box Office, Projected to Lose At Least $100M
Strange World Makes Its Way To Disney+ This Holiday Week
Disney has officially announced that fans can finally watch Strange World from the comfort of their homes starting December 23. It follows the story of a family of adventurers set to explore the uncharted surface of the world. Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Jaboukie Young-White, Gabrielle Union, and Lucy Liu, the animated film shows a multigenerational conflict that each member of the family must solve, all the while trying to save the world.
Strange World is written by Qui Nguyen, the scriptwriter for Raya and the Last Dragon, and directed by Don Hall. The movie struggled to make its way to the top of the game and is expected to lose Disney lots of money worth $100M.
There have been many reasons why the movie ended up becoming a tragedy, but the unanimous speculation was the studio’s lack of advertising. There was not a lot of buzz around the movie, so this leaves the fans questioning Disney’s intent in producing another animated film.
The narrative is surprisingly relevant in the modern times, with characters of diverse backgrounds and orientations. It is also a family-friendly sci-fi adventure with stunning graphics.
RELATED: Why Was Disney’s ‘Strange World’ a DISASTER at the Box Office?
Why Disney Hurriedly Put The Film In The Streaming Platform
Instead of forcing people to go to theaters, Disney ultimately decided to bring the theater into people’s homes. Now, it is easier to access the movie with a single click of a button. It is also strategically scheduled to arrive around Christmas time so the whole family could enjoy the film.
In this attempt, Disney is hoping that the animated film would perform better on the small screen than it did in theaters.
Strange World will arrive in Disney+ this December 23.
Source: The Verge