Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) is known as one of the lead toys from the hit Disney and Pixar film Toy Story. The film was the first feature length film to be fully computer generated and launched the new style of created animated films. There are currently four feature length films in the series as well games, toys, television series and more. The series is now being taken in a new direction with Lightyear.
Lightyear tells the story behind the toy. The character from movies and television set within the Toy Story universe that the action figure is based on. For most of the initial film, Buzz Lightyear doesn’t realize that he’s a toy and believes himself to be THE actual Buzz Lightyear. He learns the truth near the film’s climax after seeing a toy commercial on the television while trapped inside the home of the sadistic, toy torturer Sid. Check out the trailer below:
Disney and Pixar just released a new trailer showcasing lots of adventure, robots and our first look at the Evil Emperor Zurg. Emperor Zurg is the arch nemesis to Buzz Lightyear. An action figure version of the character appeared in Toy Story 2 and it was revealed that Emperor Zurg was Buzz Lightyear’s father. A clear not to, and parody of, Darth Vader being the father of Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars series.
We also know from Toy Story 2 that Woody (Tom Hanks) is a character from a popular children’s series about cowboy puppets titled Woody’s Roundup. Which begs the question, could there be a Woody’s Roundup movie or series in our future? And is that something you would want to see? Let us know.
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