John Cena joined the popular action-adventure franchise Fast & Furious with the 2021 film F9. The ninth installment marked his first appearance in the franchise as Dominic Toretto’s estranged brother Jakob. He reprised his role in the latest and tenth installment in the series, which also leads the film series’ final chapter. Fast X has had many surprises for fans as they say goodbye to existing characters and bring back others.
And seems like Cena is not happy with the fate of his character in Fast X. The actor recently took to Twitter to share a tweet that seems to reflect his feeling for his potential exit from the action-adventure franchise.
John Cena’s Cryptic Tweet After His Exit From Fast X
John Cena portrays Dom and Mia’s brother Jakob in the Fast and Furious series. He reprised his role in Fast X, which seemingly has become the actor’s last film in the franchise, as Jakob sacrifices himself to help Dominic reach his son, Little Brian.
The director of the film Louis Leterrier has shared that he had it planned already, and the wrestler-turned-actor was “upset” when he pitched the idea to him. It has also been taken as a hint that it could be his last appearance in the series.
The post-credit scene of Fast X also brought his rival, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, back into the franchise. And seems like The Suicide Squad actor is not very pleased with the idea. He recently took to Twitter to share, “Believe in you. Treat you with love and kindness. Comparison to others is the thief of joy.”
It is believed that the makers deliberately kept the two actors apart due to their feud. It could also be the reason Jakob might not beat death like other characters have been doing in the franchise so far. And it seems to be the reason Cena is not very pleased with his exit from the Fast & Furious franchise.
Why John Cena Might Not be in the Next Fast & Furious Film?
Fast & Furious has become one of the most popular franchises. And over the multiple installments of the film, the makers have killed and brought back several characters in the series. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case for John Cena’s character, as the actor shared that it was all a part of his character’s arc.
During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, he said that Jakob experienced love in his relationship with his nephew Little B and saving him and his brother was something that signifies his growth as he now “accepts the responsibility of being a part of this family.”
He also said that his character’s death in Fast X completes his arc in the story for the filmmaker, hinting that fans might not see Jakob Toretto back in the Fast and Furious series.
Fast X is playing in theatres now.
Source: John Cena via Twitter