Apart from his ornamented filmography, Christopher Nolan is also known for his polite but strict persona. The Oscar-nominated director has been adamantly enforcing rules on set while filming with his actors. And while most Hollywood stars who have worked with Nolan recalled his rules, Christian Bale had a very distinct memory of the same.
Breaking one of Christopher Nolan’s strict rules while filming The Dark Knight trilogy, Christian Bale recalled getting politely scoffed at by the director. Speaking with GQ, the actor was asked about Heath Ledger’s death and what impact it might have on the rest of the Batman movies. That’s when Bale recalled the incident involving Nolan and the aftermath.
Christian Bale Recalled Christopher Nolan’s Strict Rules
While Christopher Nolan personally follows strict rules of not using a smartphone, he also enforces boundaries with his actors during filming. Most Hollywood stars who have worked with Nolan recalled the director’s rules and regulations that they had to abide by during the whole process.
Being finicky about his movies, Christopher Nolan usually edits his own movies. Thus, the director follows the strict rule of restricting anyone from entering his editing suite to avoid tampering with the shots. Recalling an incident while filming The Dark Knight trilogy, Christian Bale discussed the director’s out-of-access suite.
Speaking about Heath Ledger’s death and its impact on the remaining Dark Knight trilogy, Christian Bale discussed if anything would be altered in the movies. Bale stated,
“Not as far as I know. Listen, it’s not up to me – that’s Chris’ job – but I believe you should respect somebody’s work – don’t change it.”
Stating clearly how the editing is strictly handled by Christopher Nolan, the actor recalled Nolan’s rules. He further confessed how he once broke the rule and faced the director’s gentle wrath.
Christian Bale Wasn’t Allowed To Enter The Editing Suite
Discussing the editing work, and the editing suite that one’s allowed to enter, Christian Bale confessed to breaking the law and sneaking into the editing room. The actor mentioned he won’t be able to alter anything in the Batman movies following Heath Ledger’s death since he isn’t allowed in the editing suite, especially after he once sneaked in.
“It would be disrespectful to go and deal with what was captured on film in a different way than had Heath been alive. But, as I say, that is out of my hands. Chris is a very private director and there’s certainly no way he’d be letting me into the editing suite.”
Further recalling the time when he entered Christopher Nolan’s editing suite without a permit, Christian Bale mentioned how he had offended the director. The American Psycho actor mentioned that despite Nolan being extremely polite, he was thoroughly enraged by the actor’s audacity.
Christian Bale recalled, “I tried once, I got a very polite, ‘F*** off.’”. Thereafter, the actor was strictly banned from the editing suite, and thus, even if he wished to change anything in the Batman movies following Ledger’s demise, he wouldn’t be able to.
Source: GQ