Christopher Nolan is widely renowned for directing superhit movies of all different genres. A classic British-American filmmaker, the 52-year-old holds a highly respected and applauded position in the movie industry. Famous for directing DC’s The Dark Knight, Nolan has a knack for choosing all the best actors that perfectly adapt to the characters from his story. And that’s exactly what he did while directing his $828M movie, Inception (2010).
The only difference was that while casting for the movie, Christopher Nolan had one celebrity fixed to star in the film, Leonardo DiCaprio, and had all the other castings based on how the other actors will fit around that one main character.
Inception Casting Was Entirely Based On The Main Character
While the movie Inception became a major fan favorite among the audience, its cast was rather ‘nitpicked’, judging how Christopher Nolan was the one directing it. According to the filmmaker, all the actors that were to be cast were supposed to fit in perfectly with the main character, Dom Cobb.
When the casting for the main lead began, the best person Nolan found to play the innocent guile character of the con man was Leonardo DiCaprio. Talking about how perfectly the Titanic actor fit into the role, the director said,
“I think he [Leonardo DiCaprio] does incredible work in the film. And I think a big part of that is his dedication to script and script analysis and defining the truths of the character and then being true to those truths. He’s extremely disciplined in that regard, and it’s very, very valuable for the drama. It was really essential to the emotional story in Inception. You need to be a relatable character for the audience so they can really follow that story.”
Judging from Christopher Nolan‘s perception of DiCaprio, it seems rather obvious that casting the Oscar winner in Inception might have been the filmmaker’s plan since the beginning, ever since he saw the actor starring in superhit movies.
Christopher Nolan Cast Tom Hardy In Inception Due To Leonardo DiCaprio
Since all the other actors were supposed to fit perfectly with the main character like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, Tom Hardy too got the chance to play a character in the $828M blockbuster, Inception (2010). Explaining how Hardy and the others got cast into the roles, Christopher Nolan said,
“We were just trying to cast the best people I could find for those parts, who felt right around Leo. Leo is the character with the most history: the character whose history, whose back story, is going to most influence things. So I certainly wanted to get a young, energetic cast around him who wouldn’t make him look younger, if you know what I mean. I think it was important that Leo felt like the leader of the group, [and] felt like the most mature. So I suppose that prompted me to look at fresh faces but, in truth, you just see somebody like Tom Hardy in a film, or Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and these guys just have such talent you want to work with them.”
Although Nolan selected the actors rather quibbly, they eventually turned out to be the best picks for the characters, judging how the movie received extraordinarily fine reviews from critics and fans alike.
You can stream Inception on Netflix.
Source: The Toronto Star