The new Angus MacLane-directed Pixar film, Lightyear, starring MCU veteran Chris Evans has stirred up the Disney lovers’ calendars. The film follows the origin story of the space explorer as he is stranded on a foreign planet millions of lightyears away from his home and fights the mysterious presence, Zurg, and his army of alien robots all the while trying to chart a course back to Earth.
The explorer within the Disney/Pixar Toy Story universe inspired to eponymous action figure in the Toy Story franchise. Originally voiced by Tim Allen in the movies, the casting of Chris Evans as the voice of Buzz Lightyear can also be suggestive of the difference between the action figure and the original explorer.
Also read: Lightyear Gets a New Trailer From Disney and Pixar
Chris Evans’ Favorite Disney Movies Doesn’t Include Lightyear
Twitter Movies recently sat down with actor, Chris Evans, to chat about his new role as the legendary intergalactic space ranger. Present with him was Thor: Love and Thunder director, Taika Waititi who plays the role of recruit Mo Morrison in the Pixar film beside Evans.
The pair was asked several fan questions among which one was directed at Evans. When asked about his favorite animated Disney movies, the actor revealed his top choices to be Peter Pan, The Fox and the Hound, Robin Hood, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, and “anything with Angela Lansbury”. Surprisingly, Lightyear was not a part of that list.
Also read: Toy Story: 5 Reasons Why Grown-Ups Find It Relatable
Evans Recalls His Childhood Favorites
While talking about his favorite animated Disney movies, Evans makes a reference to his “old” age saying the movies were all his childhood favorites. It would make sense then that the memories of the movies that came out decades ago would make up the canon of the actor’s favorites, rather than the recent releases like Moana or Encanto.
Also read: Pixar: 5 Common Things in all Movies
As such, his favorites, which include Robin Hood and Peter Pan are universally acknowledged timeless classics loved by children and adults alike. The Fox and the Hound narrates a doomed friendship between a red fox, Tod, and a hound dog, Copper, as they navigate the turmoils of growing up and turning from friends to strangers amid peer pressure.
Lightyear strikes the theatres on 17 June 2022.
Source: Twitter Movies