Captain America: New World Order would mark the beginning of Sam Wilson’s reign as the new holder of the shield. His entire journey in Falcon and the Winter Soldier, now known as Captain America and the Winter Soldier, readied Anthony Mackie’s character to become the face of America. After the announcement of Captain America 4 even getting a villain confirmed for the movie, The Leader; the movie only seems to be more than ready to start production.
With its production set to start in early March of 2023, the movie would also be setting up new characters such as Harrison Ford’s Thunderbolt Ross. This only gives rise to questions of who else could be involved in the movie as well.
Captain America 4 Could Have Spider-Man
Similar to Tom Holland‘s Spider-Man Trilogy, which had been filming under names that were references to Seinfeld, Captain America: New World Order is filming under the name of “Rochelle Rochelle,” which was a fictional movie in the fourth episode of the show.
Spider-Man: Homecoming used “Summer of George,” which happened to be the name of a Seinfeld episode. Spider-Man: Far From Home had “Fall of George” as its working title, referring to George Constanza falling in that same episode. Spider-Man: No Way Home, used “Serenity Now,” which was another reference to Seinfeld.
Whether this happens to be a mere coincidence or a purposeful attempt to hide certain characters is unknown.
Captain America 4 Might Have Tobey Maguire And Andrew Garfield In It
Whether the movie would include Tom Holland’s Spider-Man or another is not certain, but the theory can still be brewed that perhaps it could have Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire appear as the movie could possibly take place in an alternate reality, being a wild adventure of endless possibilities, more so after the multiverse was set free.
Spider-Man: No Way Home set up a very open future for Tom Holland’s Peter Parker, both the fourth part of Anthony Mackie‘s movie as well as Holland’s movie happen to be highly close by, being set to release in 2024 now.
On the contrary, it could also refer to The Leader trying to achieve something against the superheroes, including the web-slinger. This could very subtly prove to be a hint of at least one of the Spider-Men appearing. While Captain America and Spider-Man team up from time to time in the comics, this team-up is yet to be seen in full swing within the MCU.
Captain America: New World Order is set to release by March 2023.
Source: The Direct