The Hawkeye actor, Jeremy Renner is currently on his road to recovery, after breaking more than 30 bones in January 2023, during a snow plowing incident. Sending his love to his fans, almost eight months after the incident, Renner shared an update on social media about his recovery.
Surviving after being crushed under a snowplow on New Year’s Day, Jeremy Renner added a photo and video to his Instagram and X account, showing his ongoing recovery. After spending weeks in the hospital, the Marvel actor shared images of his Titanium legs workout and also showed how to use a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.
Jeremy Renner Shared Recovery Images On Social Media
Hollywood actor Jeremy Renner, who previously suffered a near-death experience during New Year’s Eve 2023, recently shared a photo and video update about his health via his social media handles. Sharing an Instagram story with tubes in his nose while he used a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, Renner disclosed his titanium-filled legs workout.
Captioning the photo with, “Sending love from O2 chamber”, Renner also shared a video showing his workout sessions. “Knees/ankles recalibrating. Strengthening around the titanium to set up for later rounds in life” the MCU actor wrote over the video in his Instagram story. The actor further shared the same post on his X account, to reach more fans.
Pushing his limits and trying to overcome the pain, Jeremy Renner updated his fans about his speedy recovery. After breaking more than 30 bones at the beginning of the year, Renner confirmed that he’s currently doing well, and is constantly going through super soldier treatment to strengthen his titanium-filled legs.
Jeremy Renner’s Near Death Snow Plowing Accident
During New Year’s Eve, 2023, Jeremy Renner suffered a blunt chest trauma and orthopedic injuries in a snow plow accident in Nevada. Trying to help his nephew, whose vehicle was stuck in the snow, the actor faced a terrible accident that almost took his life. Thereafter, Renner was reported to be in critical condition and was admitted into the intensive care unit followed by immediate surgery.
Jeremy Renner underwent surgery for his injuries and was later discharged from the hospital after two weeks of observation and treatment. Ever since then the actor has remained in good spirits and has undergone physical therapy for speedy recovery of his limbs. The actor later revealed during an interview, how he felt he might never wake up after the harrowing accident.
Expressing his emotions during an interview, Renner mentioned penning down a goodbye note for his family. “If I was there, on my own, that would’ve been a horrible way to die. And surely, I would’ve. Surely” the MCU actor shared. However, as nothing grave happened to the actor, he promised to risk his life once again if it meant saving his loved ones.