Last month, Hollywood actor Dwayne Johnson announced that he is working on a live-action adaptation of the 2016 Disney film Moana with the studio. The action adventure features the wrestler-turned-actor as the demigod Maui, alongside the titular character Moana, who is destined to restore Te Fiti’s heart. While the film did pretty great commercially and critically, the decision for its live-action adaptation once again raised the question of why Disney is so invested in remaking its already told stories instead of continuing them or introducing new ones.
While it is expected that the Jumanji star could reprise his role from the 2016 film in the live-action adaptation, the same is not the case for the actress who voiced Moana. Auliʻi Cravalho recently revealed in a short video that she would not be reprising her role in the live-action adaptation of Moana.
Read More: “Maui changed my life”: Dwayne Johnson Returns in $682M ‘Moana’ Live Action Remake
Auliʻi Cravalho Won’t Feature in Dwayne Johnson’s Moana Remake
The 22-year-old actress Auliʻi Cravalho shared some discouraging casting updates for Dwayne Johnson’s live-action adaptation of Moana. She was cast to voice the character when she was 14 years old and shared on her Instagram that she would not be reprising her role in Moana’s live-action adaptation.
Cravalho shared that featuring in the 2016 film “changed [her] life” and started her acting career. The Crush actress further mentioned that she would not reprise her character in the live-action movie. She also said that it is important that the “cast accurately represents the characters” in the story.
“When I was cast as Moana at 14, it wonderfully changed my life and started my career. In this live-action retelling, I will not be reprising the role. I believe it is absolutely vital [that] the cast accurately represents the characters and stories we want to tell.”
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Cravalho also mentioned that she would still be associated with the project and even help look for an actress to portray the character with “courageous spirit, undeniable wit, and emotional strength.” While it is uncertain who will be the next actress to play Moana, fans do not seem enthusiastic about Cravalho leaving the film.
Fans React to Moana Casting Updates
While it is uncertain who will play Moana in the live-action adaptation of the 2016 film, Dwayne Johnson is believed to reprise his role as Maui. The character is special for the actor as Maui was inspired by his grandfather, who was popularly known as Peter Maivia.
While earlier reports suggested that Auliʻi Cravalho would also reprise her character, the actress has denied such claims in the short video she shared on her Instagram. And fans do not seem too happy with the fact that Johnson gets to reprise his character, while The Power actress doesn’t.
While some praised that the live-action adaptation would feature a cast accurately representing the character, others seem disappointed. Fans shared that they hope that the Jungle Cruise actor is the next to leave the cast as he “does not resemble Maui in the slightest.”
The news has received mixed reactions as some claim that if Halle Bailey could portray Ariel in The Little Mermaid, Cravalho could also be cast as Moana in the live-action adaptation. Others argued that she was right to leave the role, as she is now too old to portray the character in live action.
Source: Discussing Films