Bugs Bunny is a classic cartoon character who debuted in 1938. Most people are aware of his rivalry with Daffy Duck and his romance with Lola Bunny. The Looney Tunes show and its various versions have cemented the gray and white bunny as a part of pop culture iconography. Also, the character has been featured in live-action films too.
Bugs Bunny first jumped to live-action in Michael Jordan’s Space Jam (1996). Even though the film didn’t receive rave reviews, it was a commercial success, earning $250 million on a $80 million budget. But the character had to share screen space with other characters there and he wasn’t the star of the film as well. But that’s about to change since now there’s a live-action Bugs Bunny film in the works.
Bugs Bunny Is Getting His Live-Action Film Soon
Thanks to the success of Space Jam, Bugs Bunny starred in another live-action hybrid film, Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003), with Brendan Fraser. Made on a budget of $80 million, the film grossed only $68 million, becoming a flop. After this, for more than a decade, there was no other live-action adaptation with the character before Space Jam: New Legacy (2019) came along.
Read More: MultiVersus Trailer: Batman Fight Bugs Bunny in Game That Brings Together All WB Properties
Starring LeBron James, the film saw the return of the Looney Tunes as well as other popular characters. But this movie was also a commercial and critical disaster, earning only $163 million on a $150 million budget. Thankfully, there’s a chance at redemption. Robert Rugan announced on his website that he is penning a new film about the goofy character.
The writer wrote that he has “been hired to write a new hybrid live-action/animation Bugs Bunny movie for Warner Brothers.” However, the post has since been deleted. There’s speculation that Rugan deleted the tweet because the project hasn’t been officially announced as well as due to the current writers’ strike going on in Hollywood. But that hasn’t stopped fans and the general public from talking about it.
Fans React To Bugs Bunny Getting A Live-Action Hybrid Movie
Robert Rugan’s writing credits include 2004’s Alice’s Misadventures in Wonderland as well as Netflix’s The Curse of Bridge Hollow. However, fans aren’t convinced that he’s a good fit for the film. But more than that, the sudden announcement of a Bugs Bunny film shocked many. While some were optimistic, others questioned the need for the live-action remake of a beloved cartoon character.
Here’s what fans are saying online:
It’s unlikely that the upcoming film will be a sequel to the Brendan Fraser-led one. However, more than that there’s no official confirmation till now about such a film even being in development. It now remains to be seen what ultimately becomes of the film.
Space Jam 1 and 2 are streaming on HBO Max.
Source: Robert Rugan