The television series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” is based on the 1992 film of the same name. From March 10, 1997, to May 20, 2003, the series aired on the WB and UPN. In addition, the series delivered some memorable bad guys over its seven seasons. From charming children of the night to chilling, frozen demons, this series had all it took.
So, we delved deep into this web series to come up with a list of all the best villains.
We put Mayor Richard Wilkins at the top of our list because he possesses almost everything that makes the bad guys of “Buffy The Vampire Slayer”, great. His intelligence makes him powerful.
“The First Evil,” A.k.a “the First,” seeks to end the Slayer line and conquer the world. He can appear in the form of anyone who has died.
Angelus is the soulless and infamously murderous vampire. As a villain, he hurts Buffy and her friends more personally than any other before or after him.
Dark Willow’s darkness had been building for years, ever since she began using magic. Willow kills the Warlock Rack and Tara’s killer, Warren, merely for revenge. Along with her attempts to kill the Trio, she nearly kills Giles and destroys the Magic Box shop.
The villain Caleb is not a demon-like most others in the series. Instead, Caleb is a preacher and a serial killer before being recruited by “the First Evil.” At the command of his Master, Caleb murders the young potential Slayers.
A Group of silent demons called ‘The Gentlemen.’ The Gentlemen kill and steal the hearts of Sunnydale residents. Gentlemen’s visual design makes them so memorable.
Glory A.k.a the hell goddess “Glorificus” cursed by other hell gods, plans to sacrifice Buffy’s sister, Dawn, to return to her dimension. Glory brings Buffy and her friends to the threshold. Also, she drains human sanity to stay sane.
It is astonishing how charismatic and hilarious the “Master” is, as well as how ruthless. The Master’s bloodline is the source of many of the Buffyverse’s recurring vampire characters. The bloodline is more potent than most vampires.
The vampire Spike went from a minor villain to a recurring villain. A microchip in his head stops him from attacking humans. He then helps Buffy and the Scoobs in fighting other demons. Spike was so famous that even after he died a hero in the finale of ‘Buffy,’ he became a series regular in ‘Angel,’ the final season.
In Buffy, “Faith” is one of the most tragic characters she killed a human by accident, and while she was trying to hide it, she went on a dark path.
Buffy faces plenty of trouble from “The Trio” in Season 6. The Trio had the reputation of being one of the funniest groups of villains. In addition to magic, the Trio uses high-tech gadgets.
So this was our list for the Best Villains of “Buffy The Vampire Slayer.” Which Villian was your favorite? Let us know in the comment section. Tell us if we missed any of your favorite.
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