Brendan Fraser, a name synonymous with blockbuster hits of the late 90s and early 2000s, known for his roles in The Mummy and George of the Jungle, was once on the brink of becoming the Man of Steel. However, Fraser, who recently won an Oscar for his transformative performance in The Whale, turned down the opportunity to don the iconic Superman cape before Henry Cavill was cast. Fraser’s decision was driven by his desire to avoid being typecast, a decision that would later prove to be a turning point in his career.
The Man of Steel That Almost Was
Brendan Fraser‘s audition for Superman was part of a project that was in development but never came to fruition. He was in close competition for the role, but his reasons for turning it down were rooted in his desire for diversity in his roles and also the studio politics at Warner Bros.
He didn’t want to be a one-trick pony, and his decision to turn down the role was a testament to his commitment to his craft. Despite the potential financial gains and fame that the role of Superman could have brought, he chose a path that allowed him to explore a variety of characters.
Brendan Fraser Could Have Made More than Henry Cavill
Henry Cavill, who eventually took on the role of Superman, reportedly earned a hefty $14 million for his portrayal of the iconic superhero. Given Fraser’s fame at the time, it’s plausible that he could have commanded an even higher salary.
However, Fraser’s career took a different trajectory. After turning down the Superman role, he continued to work in films like The Mummy and later made a significant comeback with his role in The Whale. His performance in The Whale was a departure from his previous action roles and showcased his range as an actor.
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His portrayal of a reclusive English teacher living with severe obesity earned him an Oscar, marking a high point in his career that may not have been possible had he accepted the Superman role.
Superman’s Legacy and Brendan Fraser’s Redemption
The role of Superman has been played by various actors over the years, each leaving their own mark on the iconic character. While the role has boosted the careers of some, it has typecast others. Fraser’s decision to turn down the role allowed him to carve out his path in Hollywood.
Despite the ups and downs of his career, Fraser’s recent Oscar win for The Whale is a testament to his resilience and talent as an actor. His journey serves as a reminder that while the path to success may not always be linear, perseverance and dedication to one’s craft can lead to unexpected and rewarding outcomes.
Source: People