Renowned for portraying the role of Black Panther, actor Chadwick Boseman will receive a posthumous star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Though the actor is no more with us, he will always be remembered for his iconic performances. And to honor him for his talent, the actor will receive a star from Hollywood.
Along with him, some celebrities will be honored with the Hollywood Walk of Fame Class of 2024. While the award is an honor for many celebrities, some didn’t bother to be a part of it.
Chadwick Boseman
Chadwick Boseman continues to earn the honor
It has been almost three years since Hollywood lost a legendary actor. Chadwick Boseman passed away on August 28, 2020, at the age of 43 after suffering from colon cancer. Throughout his acting career, Boseman made a lasting impression on his fans, and he also earned several awards and nominations for demonstrating his talent on screen. Recently, it was declared that the actor would receive a posthumous star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
The award is given to the A-listers of the film industry, and Boseman marked his name on the list after joining the MCU franchise. Apart from his many acclaimed performances in Hollywood, the actor is best known for his role as T’Challa in Black Panther. The news about him receiving the honor has created a buzz among the fans. Check out the tweets below:
The actor will receive the honor in the Hollywood Walk of Fame Class of 2024.
Actors who refused to be part of this honor
Chadwick Boseman isn’t the only one who will be honored with a star on the iconic Hollywood Walk of Fame. Along with him, several other celebrities have won the award. Kevin Feige, Michelle Yeoh, Gal Gadot, and Otis Redding are some of the celebrities who will be honored with a posthumous star. Ellen K., who is a fellow Walk of Famer, described the process of selecting the candidates for the honor. He said,
“The Selection Committee which is made up of fellow Walk of Famers, carefully hand-picks a group of honorees each year that represent various genres of the entertainment world. The Committee did an amazing job choosing these very talented people. We can’t wait to see each honoree’s reaction as they realize that they are becoming a part of Hollywood’s history with the unveiling of their star on the world’s most famous walkway!”
While there are celebrities who celebrate receiving this honor, there are also celebs who aren’t very thrilled about getting this tag. Some celebrities have turned down the offer of being honored on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Julia Roberts, Clint Eastwood, Madonna, and Whitney Hoston are a few names who refused the opportunity.
Also Read: These 10 Celebrities Refused A Star On The Hollywood Walk of Fame
Source: Twitter