Marvel’s upcoming film Black Panther 2 was going to be a follow-up of Endgame in Wakanda. The film was set in the post-snap era and would have followed up with the king of Wakanda/Black Panther, dealing with and resolving issues in his kingdom. However, things changed after the lead actor of the film Chadwick Boseman passed away after battling cancer for a long time. This one event shocked everyone and left everyone with one big question, what will happen to Black Panther 2?
The thing became even more complicated when Marvel announced that they would not recast Black Panther and would continue the story as it is. This decision led to many changes in the upcoming film. The changes were made according to the events of real life. King T’Challa passes away in the movie, and his family struggles to protect Wakanda and its people.
Black Panther 2 Went Through Several Changes After Losing Chadwick Boseman
After the lead actor passed away, the filmmakers had no choice but to make several changes to the film. Not just the fans but the film’s cast was also not told about the changes. Actress Angela Bassett talked about it back in August saying that she didn’t know what it was going to look like. Although despite the changes and shifts in the plot of the film, she praised director Ryan Coogler and writer Joe Robert Cole for their creative work.
People have appreciated Coogler for the way he shaped the film amid the loss of Chadwick Boseman. The film is weeks away from its release, and with its release date nearing, fans are curious to learn about the changes made in the movie.
However, the director of the film Ryan Coogler has said recently that there weren’t a lot of changes required in Black Panther 2.
Ryan Coogler Says Original Script Was Spiritually Very Similar to the Final Version
In his recent interview with Empire, Ryan Coogler addressed the changes made in the film amid losing Chadwick Boseman. Coogler said that the original movie was spiritually very similar to its final version.
Following the events of Endgame, Black Panther 2 was based on the question, “How do you carry on in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds?”
The whole cast and crew of the film faced the same question when the news of the actor’s passing away got out. After which, Coogler says he was also not sure what he would do. So he gathered the cast and asked them, “How do I figure out a song that they can still get up there and sing?”
In the same interview actress Lupita Nyong’o also talked about how it was so hard to imagine Black Panther 2 after losing Chadwick Boseman. She said, “Ryan Coogler walked me through what the film was going to be when Chadwick was still alive.”
But after taking a look at the altered script that Coogler shared with her she said it was utterly truthful and beautiful. Regarding the changes in the script of Black Panther 2, the whole cast of the film appreciated the director’s efforts. Ryan Coogler has also said that there will be specific scenes that would remain the same as in the original story.
Who will be the new Black Panther?
The one question that everyone is curious to know is, “Who will be the new Black Panther?” Who will take on the legacy of T’Challa and will take the mantle of Black Panther?
The only speculation about the role is that Letitia Wright’s Shuri will take over the throne of Wakanda and Black Panther. A leaked image of a Lego Set of the film’s characters may have hinted at Shuri being the new Black Panther. Now it would not take long enough to find out who will continue the legacy of T’Challa and Black Panther.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever will release on November 11, 2022.
Source: The Direct