Renowned actress Gwyneth Paltrow, known for her portrayal of Pepper Potts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe shared her joy and congratulations for Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck on their secret wedding. Looking back on their past relationship, Paltrow once stated that she and Affleck, who she previously characterized as having a “distinctive set of values,” have been able to maintain a friendly connection over the years.
Despite their past, Paltrow wishes them a blissful and fulfilling life together as they embark on this new chapter. Coming almost a week after their private ceremony in Las Vegas, Paltrow took to her Instagram Story on July 22 to express her congratulations and delight for the newlyweds- posting, “Love!!! So romantic!!! Very happy for them.”
The Dating Days of Paltrow and Affleck
From 1997 to 2000, Gwyneth Paltrow and Ben Affleck shared an intermittent relationship. Their connection blossomed while working together on the films Shakespeare in Love and Bounce. Unfortunately, their romance never progressed beyond a certain point and eventually lost its spark.
According to Paltrow, she never envisioned a future with him. “I just think we have a very different sort of value system,” she said.
During their dating period, Affleck expressed on Good Morning America that he thought Paltrow’s ideal partner would resemble her father. In response, Paltrow humorously stated that Affleck’s ideal woman would be someone akin to a stripper at Scores, or anyone serving cold beer in a bikini. Reflecting on the memory, Paltrow chuckled and jokingly wondered why she indulged in drinks before such interviews.
Gwyneth Paltrow Shares Her Thoughts on Ben Affleck’s Marriage to Jennifer Lopez
After Paltrow and Affleck’s separation, Affleck started dating Jennifer Lopez and even proposed to her in 2001. However, their wedding plans were ultimately called off in 2003, leading to their split in 2004.
During a 2003 interview with Diane Sawyer, Paltrow expressed her lack of surprise regarding Affleck and Lopez’s failed attempt to tie the knot. She remarked, “Ben makes life tough for himself. He’s got a lot of complications, and you know, he really is a great guy. So I hope he sorts himself out.”
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have finally tied the knot, surprising everyone with their impromptu wedding at A Little White Chapel in Las Vegas on July 16, 2022. The couple exchanged vows in a private ceremony with their children present, solidifying their love and commitment.
Despite their relationship ending in 2000, Gwyneth Paltrow harbors no negative sentiments toward Ben Affleck. During an Instagram Q&A, when asked about their wedding, Paltrow only expressed positive sentiments, showing her support and happiness for the newly married couple.
Source: The New York Times