Tom Hanks is a versatile actor who has shown remarkable transformations for his film roles. Known for his dedication to authenticity, Hanks undergoes physical and emotional transformations to fully inhabit his characters.
Whether it’s gaining or losing weight, adopting accents, or mastering specific skills, Hanks consistently delivers compelling performances that captivate audiences and bring his characters to life. His commitment to his craft is evident in the depth and range he brings to each role, solidifying his status as one of the greatest actors of our time.
Tom Hanks Took A Year-long Break For His Iconic Role
For Cast Away, Tom Hanks fully committed to his character’s transformation by embracing an average, out-of-shape middle-aged appearance. He purposely refrained from exercise, allowing himself to gain weight and look pudgy. To accurately portray a castaway, Hanks took a year-long hiatus, during which he shed fifty pounds and grew out his hair. Interestingly, Robert Zemeckis utilized the same crew for filming What Lies Beneath during this break.
Inspiration struck Tom Hanks when he stumbled upon an article about FedEx, which sparked a thought-provoking question in his mind. Reflecting on the countless Boeing 747s carrying packages across the Pacific, he wondered about the consequences if one were to crash. This idea merged with his fascination for exploring survival without the essential elements of life: food, water, shelter, fire, and companionship.
“I realized that Boeing 747s filled with packages fly across the Pacific three times a day. What happens if one of those goes down?” Hanks said.
Although the film did not secure an Oscar, it triumphed in the realm of success, grossing a remarkable $429 million at the box office. The critical reception was equally favorable, with Rotten Tomatoes granting the film an impressive 89% approval rating.
Also Read: Tom Hanks Heavily Relied on One Food to Gain 30 lbs to be a Baseball Player in $132 Million Movie
Tom Hanks Taking The Method Acting Approach
Hanks is also known for his physical transformations, altering his appearance to suit the character’s needs. Whether it’s gaining or losing weight, changing hairstyles, or donning prosthetics, he commits fully to visually capturing the essence of the character.
Moreover, Hanks believes in the power of empathy in acting. He strives to connect emotionally with his characters, tapping into their joys, sorrows, and vulnerabilities. By empathizing with their experiences, he creates performances that resonate deeply with audiences, evoking genuine emotions.
Tom Hanks has tackled a variety of challenging roles throughout his career, pushing the boundaries of his acting abilities. From the mentally disabled but kind-hearted Forrest Gump to the shipwrecked and isolated Chuck Noland in Cast Away, Hanks has fearlessly taken on complex characters, delivering remarkable performances that captivate audiences.
Cast Away is available for streaming on Hulu.
Source: IMDB