With Warner Bros actively releasing Barbie on the same day as Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, fans are set to witness an impossible battle between the two movies. Following the betraying split between Nolan and Warner Bros after the release of Tenet, the latter intentionally pledged to make the upcoming competition harder for the director.
Although Christopher Nolan fans unitedly believe it’s an unnecessary battle, The Hollywood Reporter‘s box office prediction might change their opinion. Drawing the drama over the end weeks of July, while the acclaimed filmmaker and Warner Bros fight, the news outlet report early trackings that suggest a clear defeat of Oppenheimer.
Early Trackings Of Barbie And Oppenheimer
Christopher Nolan and Warner Bros have often worked together and created box office hits like the Dark Knight trilogy. However, following WarnerMedia’s decision of making streaming a priority over theatrical release, Nolan cut ties with the company after releasing Tenet. Further, the director made a deal with Universal, which said yes to every condition of the Oppenheimer director.
Finding the director’s betrayal insulting, Warner Bros became actively hellbent to humiliate Christopher Nolan. Thus, the media company decided to purposefully release Barbie on the same day as Oppenheimer. Despite trying to create a humiliating competition, Warner Bros initially failed at its attempt, as primarily no one gave much thought to a contest between the two films.
However, in recent months, after Barbie and Oppenheimer both started becoming social media phenomena, analysts tracked data to provide box office predictions. Thus, after accessing various polling services, the preliminary trackings suggest a clear win for Barbie at the box office over Oppenheimer. Since Christopher Nolan’s movies often appear as three hours of drama targeting adults, it is expected that Barbie would be moving ahead with a splash, due to its wide-ranging audience.
Christopher Nolan Fans Unitedly Stand To Support
After the preliminary tracking results were released, Barbie fans celebrated their early win, while Christopher Nolan fans stood unanimously to support the director. Choosing the dark-toned historical drama about the making of the atomic bomb, over the trademark pinkwash story about Barbie and Ken, fans stated their priorities straight on Twitter.
Standing to support the acclaimed filmmaker, fans prepare to shape up the quite heated box office race between the two high-profile movies. While Warner Bros intentionally scheduled Barbie on July 21st to give a big middle finger salute to the director, and news outlets suggest Barbie‘s win, Nolan fans stand unitedly with Oppenheimer.
The theatrical war to topple one another gets intense with each passing day. Fans are thus curious about the outcome of the two movies starring A-list actors.
Barbie and Oppenheimer are set to release on July 21st, 2023 at your nearest theatres.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter, Twitter