Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi has finally premiered on small screens however the series actor has to go through online attacks aimed at her. Moses Ingram who debuted in the Star Wars series as Reva Sevander aka The Third Sister revealed that she has received “hundreds” of racist messages since appearing in the new Star Wars show
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On May 31, Moses Ingram shared on Instagram a few examples of the racist abuse directed at her on social media. After sharing those online messages, Ingram shared an Instagram video saying “There’s nothing anybody can do about this, There’s nothing anybody can do to stop this hate. I question my purpose in even being here in front of you saying that this is happening. I don’t really know.”
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Since the news broke, many showed their support for Ingram and one of them was Star Trek: Strange New Worlds star Anson Mount. He not only supported Ingram but also assured support of the entire Star Trek universe.
The actor wrote, “This is Moses Ingram. She is a singular talent and a recent addition to the Star Wars universe. She has also been targeted by racists pretending to be fans because her mere existence threatens a skewed, dystopian fantasy that selectively omits the likes of Billy Dee Williams and others. We, the Trek Family, have her back.”
Star Wars, Ewan McGregor Support Moses Ingram: “Don’t Choose To Be A Racist”
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Shortly after the Ingram shared those comments, a video message from Obi-Wan Kenobi Actor Ewan McGregor was shared about the abuse on the official Star Wars Twitter account.
“It seems that some of the fan base has decided to attack Moses Ingram online and send her the most horrendous, racist [direct messages]. I heard some of them this morning, and it just broke my heart. “Moses is a brilliant actor. She is a brilliant woman. And she is absolutely amazing in this series. She brings so much to the series, she brings so much to the franchise. And it just sickened me to my stomach that this had been happening. I just want to say as the lead actor in the series, as the executive producer on the series, that we stand with Moses. We love Moses. And if you’re sending her bullying messages, you’re no Star Wars fan in my mind. There’s no place for racism in this world. And I totally stand with Moses.”
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Star Wars account also shared a message stating, “There are more than 20m sentient species in the Star Wars galaxy, don’t choose to be a racist. “We are proud to welcome Moses Ingram to the Star Wars family and excited for Reva’s story to unfold. If anyone intends to make her feel in any way unwelcome, we have only one thing to say: we resist.”