Renowned for playing Captain Jack Sparrow on the big screen, Johnny Depp is a widely respected and applauded actor. Even though 60 years old now, the three times Oscar nominee is still almost always in the limelight – be it either for his handsome looks, jaw-dropping acting, or even his love life. While he has been in numerous relationships with several top-rated actresses, one actress particularly caught his fancy while filming their movie together.
And this actress was none other than the stunning beauty, Angelina Jolie. This happened when the pair got together to work on the 2010 movie, The Tourist.
Johnny Depp Poetically Commends Angelina Jolie
Even though both have been A-listers throughout their career for their fabulous ‘all-in’ acting, Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie revealed they never met before getting cast for The Tourist in 2010. Playing lovers in the $278M movie, the duo became fast friends off-screen as well.
Describing his first meeting with the Maleficent actress as a ‘breathless moment’ that got him mesmerized, Depp went ahead to praise Jolie poetically, saying,
“She’s kind of a walking poem, Angelina. You know, she’s this perfect beauty. But at the same time, very deep, very smart, very quick, very clever, and very funny. She also has a very perverse sense of humor. Yeah, she’s great fun. An enchantress, [Angelina Jolie is] an unbelievably beautiful, cultured vixen.”
While on the one hand, Johnny Depp was busy commending the Maleficent actress, Angelina Jolie, on the other hand, is all praise for the Pirates of the Caribbean actor as well.
Angelina Jolie Is All Praise For Johnny Depp Too
Although they had never met before, Angelina Jolie highly respected Depp and greatly appreciated his movie Edward Scissorhands. In the book Angelina: An Unauthorized Biography too Jolie is described to have been ‘deeply smitten’ by the actor’s character.
Sharing the same interests and chemistry on screen, the 48-year-old actress took time to applaud the Golden Globe winner as well, saying,
“Depp is a great guy, a brilliant artist, and a very generous actor.”
While The Tourist couldn’t get enough appraisal to be remembered as a super hit, it was Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp’s chemistry on sets instead that happened to bloom over the years.
You can watch The Tourist on Amazon Instant Video.
Source: CheatSheet