It is quite a task to manage your finances well in life. Paying bills on time, sparing money for extra activities, and many other expenses. It gets tough sometimes to maintain a good financial position. Now since TV shows are a depiction of real life, they have characters who can be good models to follow and also the ones who should be avoided when it comes to managing money. Here we have a look at these characters.
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Following are the TV characters who are good with their money.
1. Leslie Knope (Parks & Recreation): Organized and disciplined, Pawnee’s leader Leslie is a budget expert. She works a government job. As a result, she and her husband, Ben, are almost always strict with their budget.
2. Johnny Rose (Schitt’s Creek): Johnny Rose, a relentless businessman, can be highly trusted when it comes to financial matters. He was defrauded and lost a fortune but never gave up in adversity and made the money back.
3. Jane Villanueva (Jane the Virgin): Intelligent and with a sense of responsibility, Jane is a budgeting person. She has the ability to face opposing situations. She definitely is a good model to learn from.
4. Luke Danes (Gilmore Girls): Luke, a simple guy, is extraordinary at budgeting. He owns a small diner in a town but definitely knows a thing or two about managing money.
5. Schmidt (New Girl): Visible from instances where he scolds his roommate for poor finances. He also invests in stocks.
6. John B. (Outer Banks): He hasn’t had much money to manage, but a pile of gold is waiting for him. It will teach him, and being a good guy, we hope he will do well.
7. Chandler Bing (Friends): He is steadiest character on the show moneywise. He is smart and knows better than to spend on small unnecessary things.
8. Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place): Obsessed with ethics, he is a rule follower. We can only imagine that he manages his money well and that too with sheer obsession.
9. Claire Fraser (Outlander). An active character who can do a lot. She has traveled through time, saved her friends many times. We can only imagine her being strict with maintaining finances.
The characters who are not the best with money
1. Michael Scott (The Office): This widely loved character is definitely bad with money. He proudly declared bankruptcy!
2. Wanda (WandaVision): She unknowingly brainwashed the town. We can only imagine her being irresponsible with real money.
3. Joe Goldberg (You): Leaving the country, changing identities, renting places. He might have savings, but the expenses are too much!
4. Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the City): She is seriously one of the most irresponsible spenders. From cab rides to shoe collections, it’s just too much.
5. Hannah Horvath (Girls): She is a mess in every area and insecure about relationships and career. She definitely hasn’t yet got the skills to manage money.
6. Frank Gallagher (Shameless): He spends most of his money on alcohol. And also earns his money mostly through fraud.
7. Emily Cooper (Emily in Paris): Definitely a bad spender. Cab rides, pricey fashion, luxurious lifestyle.
8. Frankie Bergstein (Grace and Frankie). She is involved in many businesses but causes trouble whenever it comes to managing finances.
10. Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones): Being from a rich family, Tyrion is an irresponsible spender. Most of his inherited money goes into drinking and brothels.
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