Harrison Ford, commonly known for his Star Wars saga, has been keeping busy with the fifth installment of his Indiana Jones franchise. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, releasing June 30th, will be his last foray into the world of adventure. The actor, about to celebrate his 81st birthday in July, has been quite the perfectionist throughout his career. However, age being an unpleasant guest, has been taking a toll on Ford, who mentioned being disappointed with the sequel’s stunts.
Speaking exclusively with People magazine, prior to the release of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, Harrison Ford discussed his health and his recovering injuries. Recalling his good old days as a Hollywood action hero, Ford mentioned to Variety, how he wanted the last installment of Indiana Jones to look authentic.
Harrison Ford’s Disappointment With Dial of Destiny Stunts
Hollywood’s action hero Harrison Ford is back with his alluring reprise, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, releasing on June 30th. Discussing his movie’s selling point, Ford mentioned how he took advantage of his typically growing age and ensured the fifth installment portrayed Indiana Jones as an old man. “I wanted an ambitious movie to be the last one,” the actor stated.
Recalling the stunt scenes, Harrison Ford mentioned his disappointment surrounding the shoots. Discussing a particular horse-riding scene, the actor stated, how he had three stunt workers surrounding him to ensure he doesn’t fall. “I thought, ‘What the f-ck?’ Like I was being attacked by gropers.” Ford recalled.
“They said, ‘Oh, we were just afraid because we thought, you know, and bah bah bah bah.’ And I said, ‘Leave me the f-ck alone…Leave me alone, I’m an old man getting off a horse and I want it to look like that.”
Constantly reminded of his age on the set of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, Harrison Ford claimed how it angered him throughout the shoots. However, his age particularly did show itself during a fight scene with co-star Mads Mikkelsen. Injured from the scene, Ford had to take some rest and thus film’s production was shut down for two weeks.
Irrespective of his age, Harrison Ford isn’t slowing down as is now preparing for his role in MCU’s Captain America: Brave New World.
Harrison Ford Discussed His Age And Health Issues
Constantly working to avoid being reminded of his health and age, Harrison Ford finally took some time out to reflect upon his physical well-being during an interview with People magazine. Unwilling to slow down and be pitiful about his growing age, Ford started by recalling a few of his iconic movies and his favorite dialogues.
Stating how he often finds dictating his 1997 movie Air Force One dialogue, Harrison Ford claimed, “Because I fly, I probably say why more than I need to, ‘Get off my plane!’” Further mentioning snagging three suits from the Air Force One set, Ford claimed of “wearing them up until about five years ago”. However, he eventually broke down concerning details about his age following his Indiana Jones shoot.
When asked how he stays in shape, Harrison Ford claimed, “Basically I do rehab…I don’t do physical training. It’s just all rehab, physical therapy.” He further joked, “I’m really just like an old man.” Mentioning how he has been injuring himself quite easily with growing age, Ford stated,
“I’m recovering from various injuries, so I continue to keep myself moving.”
Discussing how his age and health have been taking a toll on him, the actor claimed, “I can’t play tennis anymore because of my [injured] shoulders…And I can’t ride my bike yet.” Age isn’t being pleasant on Ford, as the actor confirmed, he “was disadvantaged physically” while shooting Indiana Jones 5. However, with generous applause from the crowd, and positive cheering, Harrison Ford has been trying to get back on track with his legendary acting career.
Mark your calendars, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny arriving on June 30th, 2023, at your nearest theatres.