X-Men is one of the best Marvel comics. This superhero series is one of the longest-running animated shows of all time. The series is about humans who, due to the X-Gene, are born with superhuman abilities. Though other series of Marvel superheroes got good responses from the audience, X-Men initially didn’t because of various reasons like issues with wardrobe, the storyline, racism, etc. Gradually, the makers improved the storyline and since then it has became one of the most-watched franchises. The list of the 6 greatest X-Men shows is as follows:
1. Marvel Anime Wolverine (6.3/10)- A superhero show having 12 episodes featuring a character, named, Wolverine. This is the second show of the series and has 12 episodes. It depicts the attempts of Wolverine for rescuing his love, Mariko with the help of his friend.
2. Pryde Of The X-Men (6.7/10) – It is an animated series that didn’t take off well. This Marvel superhero show was set to release for the first time in 1989. The plot of the series was about Kitty Pryde, aka Pryde of the X-Men.
3. Marvel Anime: X-Men (6.9/10) – It is the third show of the series, having 12 episodes, and is one of the 6 greatest X-Men franchise. It depicts Professor Charles’ attempts to reunite the entire team. Later, the team focused on investigating a case in Japan and there they find a group of scientists – The U-Men.
4. X-Men Evolution (7.8/10) – In this series, a group of youngsters realize their supernatural powers and become a team of young mutants fighting for world peace. Professor Xavier train these mutants to use their power for good. It has an ironic plot where the mutants were fighting for saving the world but the people got scared of them.
5. Wolverine and the X-Men (8.0/10)- This series was first aired in April 2009 with 26 episodes. In this series, X-Men and Wolverine reunite to save the young Mutant, Marie. Magneto kidnaps Marie to use her powers to destroy the world.
6. X-Men The Animated Series (8.4/10) – It was aired in 1992. It follows the attempts made by Professor Charles and his mutants to fight against the corrupted and biased government agencies as well as against Magneto.