Dwayne Johnson, commonly known as The Rock, is a well-known figure who has impressed audiences with his chiseled body, and acting skills. Johnson has become a household name and an inspiration to millions around the globe. From his early days as a wrestling superstar in WWE to his blockbuster film roles, Johnson has always remained an idol for audiences.
Beyond his achievements in several industries, The Rock is also known for his unwavering commitment to fitness and overall well-being, embodying a strong sense of fitness consciousness. With an impressive Instagram following of 382 million individuals, the Black Adam star continues to inspire several to improve their physique. Talking about his responsibilities to guide his followers, Johnson emphasized that he wants to share true and healthy content with his followers, unlike the other social media fitness influencers whose content does more harm than good.
Dwayne Johnson On His Evolved Training Regime
The Red Notice star, while discussing his fitness regime, shared that he still trains with the same intensity as in his early days. Johnson emphasized the importance of training smart in his current schedule. With years of experience, he has learned to listen to his body and differentiate between the pain that can be worked through and the pain that demands attention.
“I still train with the same intensity, but I’d like to think I train smarter. When I was 25, I was doing Olympic lifts, which are tough on the joints with the torque. I actually train shorter, but I get more out of it. What I’ve also been able to do with experience is listen to my body. You know, there’s a difference between the pain that you can work through—and that’s good to work through—and the pain where you have to stop what you’re doing and take care of that particular part of your body that’s hurt.”
Dwayne Johnson On Giving Appropriate Fitness Content To His Instagram
Dwayne Johnson stated that he has been trained for long enough to share his workout tips which will help others in their respective training journeys. The Rock pressed the part of sharing achievable and smart training routines rather than setting some unrealistic standards which may get views but will only harm the ones who will follow them. The Fast Five star shared that the internet sadly is full of these crazy exercises which are pretty dangerous for the viewers.
“It’s a blessing. I have trained long enough to know that there are some good takeaways that I could share that could help my audience in their fitness and wellness journey. One of the responsibilities, though, is to make sure that the things I’m posting are smart, training-wise—not dumb sh*t that’ll get you hurt. Guys do that all the time, and they train out of ego and they train to get views and you see them doing crazy exercises. Some are very entertaining, but some are pretty dangerous, too.”
Adding on, Johnson emphasized the need to maintain the integrity of training goals and prioritize your fitness goals rather than seeking attention.
“I think it’s really important to make sure that you don’t lose the integrity of why you’re in the gym, to begin with. You’re in the gym to build your muscles or whatever your goal is. Usually, when I do post-training, it’s toward the end of my workout or my final set. I don’t do anything in between. I get in the gym and I don’t f*ck around.”
Dwayne Johnson’s commitment to his fitness consciousness and shared content serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible and tested practices, both for himself and his millions of followers.
Source: Men’s Health