The Marvel Cinematic Universe not only introduced fans with Phase Four but also released Spider-Man: No Way Home, which became one of the biggest hits for Marvel in 2021. Apart from that, MCU has also featured Jeremy Renner in a Disney+ series Hawkeye. After appearing in a few movies for a shorter time, Jeremy emerged as the lead in Hawkeye. Considering the lengthy tenure of Jeremy as Clint Barton, even the hardcore MCU fans can’t help but wonder why it wasn’t developed as a movie instead. If this confuses you as well, keep reading cause we are about to find out 5 reasons why Hawkeye wouldn’t have been so underwhelming if it were a movie.
A Strong Storyline’s Backing
Hawkeye eventually began the story with Matt Fraction’s historic 2012 comic run of the character. It displayed Clint clashing with his future protégée, Kate Bishop. The comical Tracksuit Mafia was also a part of this. As we know, Clint Barton’s iconic story came from such a well-known comic series, fans expected MCU would’ve turned it into a feature film. Since MCU movies seem to be admired by a larger audience than its Disney+ series, a movie would have made more sense.
The Only Original Avenger Movie-Less
After expecting MCU to feature Black Widow in a solo movie for years, Natasha finally receive it in 2021. But in the case of Clint Barton, he is still the original Avenger without a solo movie. Moreover, Clint being an important character of the comic deserved a truly exciting character development with a solo movie. And for this cause, even the hardcore fans of MCU think MCU didn’t do justice to the character.
Would’ve Given Even Kingpin a Movie
In the season finale of Hawkeye, the King Of Crime finally returned to the MCU. And audiences seem to enjoy his arrival in New York City. As the story reaches the climax Kate’s mother, Eleanor’s involvement in the league finally got out. Due to the debt her late husband owed Wilson, she had to be a part of them as well. During the finale, Kate seemed to give her best and help Fisk with some quick decisions. Given Kingpin’s importance as a character in the Daredevil series and the comics as well, it’s hard to digest that a prime antagonist like him didn’t make a cinematic entrance.
Due to Hawkeye’s Ability to influence Every Single Part of The Story
Even after Hawkeye’s better approach at adapting their narratives to the streaming device, its overarching narrative style seems incorrect. Unlike the later entries of 2021, What if…?, Hawkeye doesn’t share the benefit of being capable of managing content in an episodic way. The Disney+ series may find it’s a success but fans are still doubtful why it wasn’t made a movie.
By The End of The Movie, We Would Have Moved On
In 2019’s Avengers: Endgame fans witnessed the end of many major character arcs. Clint Barton was the only Avenger who didn’t find closure until his recent 2021’s Hawkeye. Depending on the build-up situations, it was evident that Steinfeld’s Kate Bishop is being initiated to take on Barton’s title. At the end of the series, Clint is seen to indicate that as well. This passing of the mantle would’ve worked great as the plot of a movie.
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