The Jurassic Park franchise has captivated the fascination of audiences around the globe. It stems from a unique concept about the revival and restoration of long-dead dinosaurs and the tragedy that happens when humans interact with them. Several of its sequels have been made, and have done phenomenal business. These films are characterized by amazing action scenes and intricate plot lines.
One of the most iconic scenes from Jurassic Park III that never saw the light of day was later recreated by Chris Pratt in its fourth sequel Jurassic World. The biking scene through the jungle was breathtaking, and it, according to rumors, was inspired by the deleted scene from the third installment of the franchise. This scene has since then become one of the most famous ones, and the fascinating history behind it adds to its charm.
Chris Pratt’s Biking Through Raptors Scene Nearly Featured in Jurassic Park III
Chris Pratt ventured into the entertainment industry by appearing in the 2002 American television drama series Everwood. He then landed a role in the 2011 Brad Pitt-led biographical sports drama Moneyball and delivered a captivating performance. Pratt has worked across all genres in the industry and shot to global stardom with his incredible body of work in Marvel Cinematic Universe projects. He is one of the most enchanting stars in Hollywood. An inspiration to and an icon to countless people worldwide, he represents the best of American cinema.
Pratt has collaborated with several big banner franchises, one of which includes the Jurassic Park film series. The Guardians of the Galaxy star made his character debut in the critically acclaimed and commercially hit franchise’s fourth installment Jurassic World as Owen Grady, a Navy veteran, and a Velociraptor expert. The actor did a phenomenal job in the movie and recreated one of the franchise’s deleted iconic scenes from the third installment.
The storyboard artist for Jurassic Park III, Dave Lowery, once opened up about one of the intriguing scenes that got deleted from the final script. Trevor Morgan, who played Eric Kirby, was chased by velociraptors as he raced through the jungle on a dirt bike toward a cliff in the scene. This fascinating shot never saw the light of day, but Chris Pratt recreated a similar scene with a dirt bike and raptors in the fourth installment in the franchise: Jurassic World.
Chris Pratt boldly performed the part, racing on a motorcycle through the jungle, and made the shot even more enticing to watch on the silver screen. Jurassic Park film series has continued to entertain and deliver jaw-dropping surprises and thrilling cameos in its sequels, as a result, the series has remained one of the most spectacular productions in American cinema history.
A Brief Note on Chris Pratt’s Career
Chris Pratt loves action sequences, and the actor does justice to them whenever he gets a chance. Action sequences are quite difficult and tricky, they require a wide-ranging skill set to properly execute them. Pratt has all of the skills, and his action sequences often achieve iconic stature amongst fans. He has starred in several iconic films like Passengers, Onward, Zero Dark Thirty, Moneyball, and Guardians of the Galaxy.
Source: Screen Rant