After the unexpected success of Venom, Sony has set two new Marvel projects for 2020. Details on the projects are currently unknown, though the film slated for July 7th will be a new Marvel-based feature while the October 2nd film will be a sequel.
Sony is currently developing a Kraven The Hunter film while Jared Leto is set to star in a movie centered on Morbius The Living Vampire. They also will release Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse this December.
Directed by Ruben Fleischer, Venom stars Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams,, Riz Ahmed, Scott Haze, and Reid Scott. Here’s the official synopsis below:
One of Marvel’s greatest and most complex characters takes center stage as Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) becomes the host for the alien symbiote Venom. As a journalist, Eddie has been trying to take down the notorious founder of the Life Foundation, genius Carlton Drake (Riz Ahmed) – and that obsession ruined his career and his relationship with his girlfriend, Anne Weying (Michelle Williams). Upon investigating one of Drake’s experiments, the alien Venom merges with Eddie’s body, and he suddenly has incredible new superpowers, as well as the chance to do just about whatever he wants. Twisted, dark, unpredictable, and fueled by rage, Venom leaves Eddie wrestling to control dangerous abilities that he also finds empowering and intoxicating. As Eddie and Venom need each other to get what they’re looking for, they become more and more intertwined – where does Eddie end and Venom begin?
Venom is now playing in theaters.