The Suicide Squad is a 2021 American superhero film directed by the one and only James Gunn. However, he has been the talk of the town since his tweets from 2008 started making rounds. Soon enough, they became a topic for trollers. As a result, he was fired from Marvel Studio. However, he came back with a bang with “THE SUICIDE SQUAD“. In the film, a task force of convicts known as the Suicide Squad is sent to the island nation of Corto Maltese to destroy evidence of the giant alien starfish Starro the Conqueror. Also, this film has a sorted character that was loved by many- The King Shark, also known as Nanaue. James Gunn says he kept Sylvester Stallone in mind while writing the character. Fans are going crazy over King Shark. So, here’s a list of times when fans adored King Shark. Check it out!
1. I Could Watch King Shark For 2 hours Straight Too!
2. Aw. Fan Arts Are The Truest Form Of Appreciation
3. King Shark Is Precious
4. One Of The Cutest Fictional Characters…I Couldn’t Have Agreed Enough!!!
5. Taking King Shark As An Apology
6. The King Shark World
7. King Shark And Ratcatcher 2’s Friendship Is GOALS
9. Hey You, Sexy Big Guy!
10. I Wanna Hug King Shark Too
11. Yes King, You Deserve The World!
12. King Shark Is The Greatest Fictional Character. Do You Agree?
13. Monster Nom Nom?
14. King Shark Is A Cutie
15. All Of Us After Quarantine, lol
16. Friends? Friends.
17. Ah! My Man. Or More Like Nom Nom?
18. Men Only Have Four Moods. But, Nom Nom Is Our Favorite By Far! Do You Agree?
19. Good Boy or A Bad Boy?
To conclude, King Shark from The Suicide Squad is one fictional character that has garnered so much love after the release of the film! Can you imagine the viewership of this film on HBO Max? 2.8 million US Households!!!! Yes, you heard it right. The ensemble cast did a fantastic job with their acting skills. Which character was your favorite? Comment and let us know.