Naruto is one of the most heartfelt anime series, that is popular among millions of anime fans around the world. The series is a complete circle as fans grew up with the character, as it started with his childhood and ended in his adulthood, becoming the hero of the Ninja world and achieving his childhood dream. And the series has some of the greatest animated fight scenes, such as Gaara vs Rock Lee, Jiraiya vs Six Paths of Pain, and the most anticipated fight between Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki at the end of the series.
The animation quality in the fight scenes is outstanding. Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of the Ninja series has created the characters in such a way that every fight would create suspense for its viewers. And recently, the fans of the anime series have declared war on One Piece because the series has over 1000 episodes but not a decent fight scene.
Naruto Fans Troll One Piece on Twitter
While Naruto series is popular for its plot, character development, and teaching its viewers the importance of one’s bonds and relationships. But most important of all, the fight scenes present in both series are top-notch, and fluid, and the dynamic camera angles make the fights more intriguing to watch and grip the viewers’ attention.
Naruto fans have started trolling One Piece because even though the series has over 1050 episodes, there are no memorable fights that have broken the internet since it was aired in 1991. And this opinion between the fandoms has waged a war on Twitter.
Another fan of the Naruto series tweets that One Piece has failed to create a memorable fight scene which is quite hilarious.
Another fan backs the Shonen series as the fight scenes also feature raw emotions which makes the battle more meaningful, however, those emotions often get in the way dragging the fight unnecessarily.
Another fan tweeted that despite trying to show Naruto as the superior anime it is nowhere close to One Piece because the series has everything which their show lacks.
Another user tweeted that it is quite an interesting way to tell that they have not watched One Piece.
Another user shared a gif of King vs Zoro, and the fight was “org**mic” to watch.
While neither fan base would agree that the other series is better than theirs; there is no denying that both shows are equally amazing to watch and are two masterpieces created by two great creators.
Why Some Fans Believe One Piece Is Better Than Naruto
Both shows are unique in their nature, as when the show started viewers would root for Naruto Uzumaki for his determination to be the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village, however, this can not be said for Monkey D. Luffy as viewers were quite confused when they saw the character for the first time. Moreover, apart from Luffy becoming the King of the Pirates, Oda also kept other characters like Zoro, and Sanji to take the limelight with him.
And unlike Naruto, viewers love every character present in the show. Moreover, Eiichiro Oda tends to keep the mystery going over the course of episodes, so if you are looking for a series with a worthwhile ending One Piece should be the show you would like to watch. The mysteries in the show are endless, what is the One Piece? What happened in the 800 years void? and many more. As a result, it is more different than its rival from The Big Three era, Naruto.
The fans say Naruto is better because it is more on the emotional side, while One Piece tends to focus on lightheartedness. This is evident from the beginning as Naruto Uzumaki is shown as an isolated and troublesome boy in Konoha. However, the mood in One Piece gets heavier as it continues, which no one would have predicted in the beginning.
However, in both shows it is evident that they feature themes of friendship, hope, standing by your beliefs, after effects of war, prejudice, and not giving up on your dreams. While fans can argue that the show they have watched is better, both tend to feature unforgettable characters and theme songs which have made us laugh and cried at the same time.
One Piece can be streamed on Crunchyroll.
Source: Twitter